All Posts Author: Lars Wernlund

Live webcast on file formats

On Tuesday next week it's time for another live webcast - new day, but same time.

Join us for a deep dive into the djungle of file formats. And bring your questions of course!

Windows TDR settings warning in 2021.1

Some users that have installed Capture 2021.1 and are running on Windows may have come across a new warning dialog on startup that is referring to the TDR settings of the computer's video card.

Live webcast on patch exchange with Eos & MA3

On Monday we will round of this season of webcasts with a special on patch exchange with Eos and MA3. We will be taking a closer look on how to use LightWright and CSV files with Eos and MVR files with MA3.

Live Q&A webcast on Capture 2021, continued

On Monday we will continue where we left off during our last live webcast, the open Q&A session on Capture 2021.

You had a lot of great questions during our last webcast, so keep on bringing them and we will do our best to answer them all!