Lars Wernlund - Jun 25, 2015
We have just released Capture Argo version 21.1, an update mainly focusing on beam visualization and CAEX Show Synchronization support.
Lars Wernlund - May 07, 2015
We are happy to announce the release of Capture Argo version 21.0, a free update for all Capture Argo users. For this version we have focused on connectivity and visualization, [befästa] Capture's position as the most "interconnectalb" XXX software on the market, with a continued strong commitment towards "simulation/visualization".
Lars Wernlund - Mar 25, 2015
Capture Visualisation AB are announcing the release of their new "Capture Component" product which targets lighting control and other entertainment industry related product manufacturers.
Lars Wernlund - Nov 28, 2014
We are happy to announce the release of Capture Argo update 20.1! It contains a number of bug fixes, but also some enhancements and new features which would like to highlight.