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0 Replies and 1829 Views Read before posting    
1829 0 - Started by Lars Wernlund, last post from 2021-11-23 09:21
Use the search function to see if someone has already posted the same request. If you find a variation of your proposed solution to a problem, reply to that post instead of making a new post. If you like a feature request, hit the like button instead of replying that you do. Don’t post lists of requests - make one post per feature request. We may engage with you and discuss the request if we want to understand it better, but don’t expect us to reply to all feature requests. ...

17 Replies and 701 Views Layer Grouping
701 17 - Started by StefanKauw
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
, last post from Tyler Andrew
Hey Guys, What about Layer grouping I&39;m using a lot of different layers and colors inside a basefile. This creates a huge list inside the layer pool. I&39;d love to see the possibility to group/folder those layers to create more practical visibilty. Very curious about your thoughts! Stefan

0 Replies and 10 Views Export DPI Sticky
10 0 - Started by Tyler Andrew, last post from 2025-03-26 21:11
Hi there, Would it be possible to make the Export DPI in the "Export Documentation" window stick and remember the last DPI used The 600 DPI option can be heavy on larger plots especialy if they are only going to be seen printed. I find myself often having to re-export because I did it at 600 DPI instead of 300. Please consider this. Thanks, Tyler

0 Replies and 10 Views Egg crates
10 0 - Started by Stephen Finberg, last post from 2025-03-26 13:27
Is there possibility you can add egg crates to fixtures as these are widely used in film and tv industry and makes a massive difference to the exposure and light quality. Standard egg crates are 50 degrees but would be good if there was an option to adjust. Also would be good things like 12x12’ frames and 8x8’ frames with various diffusion materials such as 1/4 1/2 and full grid cloth as this is also widely used in film and tv.

0 Replies and 7 Views Egg crates
7 0 - Started by Stephen Finberg, last post from 2025-03-26 13:27
Is there possibility you can add egg crates to fixtures as these are widely used in film and tv industry and makes a massive difference to the exposure and light quality. Standard egg crates are 50 degrees but would be good if there was an option to adjust. Also would be good things like 12x12’ frames and 8x8’ frames with various diffusion materials such as 1/4 1/2 and full grid cloth as this is also widely used in film and tv.

2 Replies and 103 Views Adjust parameters accuracy
103 2 - Started by Zanpierre, last post from Zanpierre
Hello Lars ( and everyone) I try to deal with parameters, specially framing blades (as an exemple) whch are not matching the correct position on stage. for the moment i use robe T1, but i clearly had the issue many times... I wonder if it would be possible to add adjusting shift on machine parameters in the proj. list to reach the same focus as i get on stage... Best regards (and as a personal point of view you can wipe out C4D files now :)

6 Replies and 197 Views WASD to move in the views
197 6 - Started by Deshley, last post from BadIdeaFactory
Hello there, I was wondering if it was possible to maybe add a feature, or some kind of plugin, to move using the WASD keys in the editor. Im not sure what its called but the view you get when looking at it with the lights and stuff and you see what it would look like in real life. For example: W = forward A = strafe left S = backwards D = strafe right Just like a video game of some sort. I suppose moving around would be way easier that way.

0 Replies and 29 Views Trusses Object should not be breakable
29 0 - Started by Jo MARTIN, last post from 2025-03-18 11:27
Hello All, There is a quick with the way the "specific" trusses adre build in capture. For T frame, PRT trusses or other stuffs like this, this is a build with bar and snapping point. The proble is, if by mistake you break the group, every items, snapping point and pieces of trusses coul be deleted by mistake, or move. Could you please by default, lock the break option for this library items It&39;s a pain to retrieved the origina objet of by a mistake you lose all th...

1 Replies and 88 Views favorites section in library
88 1 - Started by marco, last post from Harm van Eijken
hi, a useful function at least in my opinion is to be able to have a part of the library with favorites where you could insert all the devices that we use most often, since the library is huge and sometimes I get lost looking for the right device.

3 Replies and 533 Views Report and Plot Customization
533 3 - Started by matusg, last post from Floriaan
Hi, would it be possible in future to have more options to edit Reports like in Plots - insert custom logo instead of the logo of the project.  - possibility to insert  reports to plots. - custom weight and position for Objects in library (forms like curtains or generic box) - report item section in selected items properties
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