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0 Replies and 173 Views Liquid and pixel support
173 0 - Started by, last post from 2024-06-06 15:27
It would be great fhe habe full pixel control of multi instance fixtures It would also be great to simulate fluid effects in the Ayrton fixture types - a simple video layer added to the fixture to map a media server to it would do the trick but the ability to show this to clients would be very powerful

1 Replies and 212 Views Plot annotation in perspective
212 1 - Started by Nealtver, last post from Alexander Götz
We are waiting for a very long time for the annotations to be displayed in perspective view on the raft (mainly the patch, power location etc)

3 Replies and 150 Views Cameo Azor SP2
150 3 - Started by Colin Bone, last post from Colin Bone
I&39;m needing this fixture for a project. The strange thing is the cameo website does not list a manual etc. I know it&39;s relatively new. I&39;ve contacted cameo to see if there is a detailed manual etc, maybe you guys have more success than me

9 Replies and 366 Views Personal Favorite Library
366 9 - Started by Dorian Stevens, last post from Colin Bone
Dear Capture Developers and users,  I am writing to request a useful feature in the Capture software. I am talking about a library called your “Favorite Library”.   Allow me to clarify why this information might be helpful. In the company I work for, we produce using the equipment available in our inventory, such as trussing, rigging, and lighting. Therefore, we only utilize specific brands of equipment when creating these drawings daily drawings  ...

2 Replies and 162 Views Selected items: Count
162 2 - Started by mikemikemike, last post from Ofer Brum
When selecting items ie. LED panels, it would be helpful to have Selected Items (of items) in the properties window.  Is there another way currently to count how many items you have selected

0 Replies and 209 Views Exporting DWG with hanging point loads
209 0 - Started by Andrzej Szmandra, last post from 2024-05-17 12:48
I think it would be a good idea to be able to export DWG files with descriptions to Rigging Point symbols - from the "Weight" cell and with coordinates (XY). This is what it looks like for the "Text" cell in Plot view. A nice feature would also be to display the "Weight" cell in the Plot view - currently only the "text" cell can be displayed. When we enter weights in the TEXT cell, the hanging point report does not calculate the sum of the weights. ...

3 Replies and 171 Views MVR-xchange
171 3 - Started by Mikkel Bedsted, last post from Floriaan
Hi I would love if capture could support MVR-xchange, for a faster workflow🙏

1 Replies and 240 Views Colour Coding on Layer Drop down
240 1 - Started by Guillaume Lalonde, last post from Aljoscha Kiss
As title suggests, would be good to have colour coding on the layer drop down to make it easier to find things when you have a large number of layers. 

4 Replies and 200 Views Dark Mode
200 4 - Started by mikemikemike, last post from Lars Wernlund
Perhaps this can already be done and i&39;m just missing something. But is there a way to flip the bright white of the UX to black  A bit of an eyesore in the late night programming sessions Actually lights up the room!  I feel like I have scanned all the options, If this has been implemented, please let me know and I will remove the topic.

0 Replies and 213 Views Touring Stickers
213 0 - Started by lologustin, last post from 2024-05-10 12:52
Hi Team just have a look about Capture 2024. I ve a suggestion about. To prepare Touring, it could be useful to create stickers with infos per fixtures. For use, in report Tab,  have possibility to export automatically some data (Name of event,  Type of fixture, Univers,Adresse, ID and Location ) to currents formats of empty stickers usually found.
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