0 Replies and 219 Views
Advanced Graphics and Rendering Features
219 0 - Started by Alex, last post from 2024-02-16 17:05
Would it possible to add better graphics and rendering features in the next updates
That would mean more realistic indirect lighting, better shadows and ambient occlusion, (maybe RTX), higher resolution renderings above 4K, postFX like lens flares, add cameras in the viewport with a path option and also maybe create a timeline feature for animating objects, triggering specific lighting scenes and moving cameras.
Thant would be all really nice to have and a must because PC are stron...
0 Replies and 142 Views
Keywords in Reports
142 0 - Started by Floriaan, last post from 2024-02-15 10:02
Could you add the use of Special keywords in Reports. You can add text in the text field, but if you want to add special keywords, the code is inserted as is.
for instance does not work. The request is that it puts the version number from the Project Properties in the text field.
3 Replies and 302 Views
USB License Key
302 3 - Started by Tyler Andrew, last post from Vangelis Manolis
I feel like I read somewhere that capture does not do USB licence keys as there are diffrences selling software vs physical goods. Would capture ever consider user installable USB license keys in a similar manner to what QLab has done See: https://qlab.app/docs/v5/general/licenses/usb-licenses for how they do it. I like this as it would make it easier to move workstations.
7 Replies and 576 Views
Claypaky Panify
576 7 - Started by Scott, last post from Tyler
Can we get the Claypaky Panify added to the fixture library
This will require the ability to bind/mount a fixture to the Panify fixture, and then be able to spin the fixture according to the Panify rotating base.
Hoping to use these in a new design, so I&39;d love to test looks in your product!
1 Replies and 141 Views
Viewer Only Version
141 1 - Started by bcolgate, last post from Lars Wernlund
I work time-to-time with educational institutions. It occurs to me that it could be helpful for students who use PC-based "consoles" to be able to see their programming decisions in Capture, in an offline environment. Has management considered making available a "viewer-only" version that could receive DMX, but without the ability to edit the c2p files Or maybe that already exists I know there is a student version, but I don&39;t think it ...
2 Replies and 102 Views
Single Key Hotkeys and Navigation Remapping
102 2 - Started by Vei, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hello, I&39;d like to be able to remap hotkeys to single keys or without havign to use a modifier. Is there any reason this couldn&39;t be achieved Initially I&39;m looking to remap zoom to selection to just the Z or F key.
I&39;d also like to be able to remap the middle mouse navigation function to right click.
Something that&39;d be really nice is if there was an option to use Unreal Engine style navigation where you can use WASD and the mouse to navigate without needing to refocus...
4 Replies and 180 Views
180 4 - Started by Hljodx, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi I would like to request a new item, to me it would make sense to have it in stages in the objects folder.
I would like a generic molton drape in the size of 3m X 6m it would be nice to able to edit the size in properties, like i often do with stage platforms.
This would make ploting drapes very easy, it would show up on reports and you could just drag and drop drapes where ever needed.
It would be speacialy nice if the snapping would include about 30-40cm overlap
1 Replies and 176 Views
Disco Balls
176 1 - Started by George Anastasopoulos, last post from Erik
Hello, can you plaese add disco balls with diameter 0.5 m and 1 m. Thank you very much.
0 Replies and 201 Views
Performance Enhancer
201 0 - Started by Joao Oliveira, last post from 2024-01-24 11:08
Hello, I have recently been working on a show that will act as my base for the year, so there is a ton of fixtures of each kind, mainly I have 32 JDC1 and 64 P-5, this renders me to have them with the option to not throw light, because with a Mac Studio Ultra it will degrade the performance and quality.
My sugestion would be if the fixture is in a low channel count, for instance a SGM P-5 in 10ch mode will have all its LED&39;s to the exact same thing, therefore, instead of rendering each LE...
7 Replies and 315 Views
Lines to Pibe to Bar Converter
315 7 - Started by Mikkel Bedsted, last post from Jonathan MARTIN
Hello Capture team
Can&39;t we get an option to convert lines from CAD/Sketch up to Bar It is incredibly slow to have to draw and place all your light bars in capture when you already have them on your drawing.
thanks in advance