1 Replies and 121 Views
Chauvet Intimidater
121 1 - Started by Andy, last post from zerok00l
The Chauvet Intimidater spot duo only works with one spot - only one reacts to colour and gobo changes.
Please could you fix this.
Many thanks
The Chauvet Intimidater spot duo only works with one spot - only one reacts to colour and gobo changes.Please could you fix this.
0 Replies and 188 Views
Drone show flight path animations
188 0 - Started by Brock, last post from 2024-02-23 01:48
We are seeing drone shows been more and more integrated into our productions.
We would love the ability to include these in our pre viz as it forms a big part of our client pitches and pre show programming.
We can control the light elements on the drones via artnet. As such we take control of them for parts of the show.
Hopefully there is a possibility to look into this.
0 Replies and 183 Views
See fixture orientation in Solid Mode
183 0 - Started by Aljoscha Kiss, last post from 2024-02-20 05:49
For renderings it would be great to be able to show the fixture orientation in the custom mode. Like a mixture of solid and live would be necessary. At the moment this is just possible in the wireframe view, which is usually to cluttered with lines to be able to represent the design.
0 Replies and 200 Views
Change XYZ coordinates with mouse wheel
200 0 - Started by Vendetta69, last post from 2024-02-18 15:27
i would like to change the XYZ coordinates with the mousewheel, and also align them in a row with the same distance between them, like on this video:
1 Replies and 183 Views
Vertical fogs / Cold Sparkles
183 1 - Started by GeNeTiC, last post from Eduardo Vivas Blandon
Hello, I am currently prepairing a show where vertical fogs (ADJ Fury Jett to be precise) and cold sparkles machines (Sparkular) are required. Is there any possibility to make those work in Capture Even though ADJ Fury Jett is present among fixtures, the only part of it that works is its lighting module, not the fog. I need to mimic CO here but with correct fade in curve (which is slower than CO itself and with a dimmer possibility - so I can’t use the CO module here).
Similar goes to ...
0 Replies and 182 Views
Fixture import of exported data
182 0 - Started by mpettit, last post from 2024-02-17 11:41
We have come up against an issue when transferring fixture data between capture files, whereby we can export all fixture data including filters/GOBOs but when we import the file exported, we have no option of importing these fields
0 Replies and 243 Views
Advanced Graphics and Rendering Features
243 0 - Started by Alex, last post from 2024-02-16 17:05
Would it possible to add better graphics and rendering features in the next updates
That would mean more realistic indirect lighting, better shadows and ambient occlusion, (maybe RTX), higher resolution renderings above 4K, postFX like lens flares, add cameras in the viewport with a path option and also maybe create a timeline feature for animating objects, triggering specific lighting scenes and moving cameras.
Thant would be all really nice to have and a must because PC are stron...
0 Replies and 164 Views
Keywords in Reports
164 0 - Started by Floriaan, last post from 2024-02-15 10:02
Could you add the use of Special keywords in Reports. You can add text in the text field, but if you want to add special keywords, the code is inserted as is.
for instance does not work. The request is that it puts the version number from the Project Properties in the text field.
3 Replies and 314 Views
USB License Key
314 3 - Started by Tyler Andrew, last post from Vangelis Manolis
I feel like I read somewhere that capture does not do USB licence keys as there are diffrences selling software vs physical goods. Would capture ever consider user installable USB license keys in a similar manner to what QLab has done See: https://qlab.app/docs/v5/general/licenses/usb-licenses for how they do it. I like this as it would make it easier to move workstations.
7 Replies and 588 Views
Claypaky Panify
588 7 - Started by Scott, last post from Tyler
Can we get the Claypaky Panify added to the fixture library
This will require the ability to bind/mount a fixture to the Panify fixture, and then be able to spin the fixture according to the Panify rotating base.
Hoping to use these in a new design, so I&39;d love to test looks in your product!