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0 Replies and 40 Views FIlter when export model
40 0 - Started by Jo MARTIN, last post from 2025-02-04 15:42
Hello, WHen you export a model, the filters are completly random order. Is it possible to have alpabetical and numeric order Thank you

0 Replies and 39 Views Scafolding part using
39 0 - Started by Jo MARTIN, last post from 2025-02-04 15:09
Hello, The scafolding buids and part are power full function to figure out some design. But the way it&39;s building is a pain because it&39;s made of some edges, point snapers and report item. The fact is, when you group some buiding ensemble, sometime you need to break group, to modify, and if you break group, every edge, snaping pooint and report items are ungroup, and it&39;s very annoying. Can whe have a hidden protection in Capture to avoid breaking part groups Than...

9 Replies and 389 Views Universe limit to address count limit
389 9 - Started by Floriaan, last post from jeffyjones
sACN and ArtNet nodes are becoming more and more affordable. This causes more and more theaters and touring companies to separate their universes by location. These universes are often not very densely populated. The request is to change the limit for Capture licenses to an address count, rather than a universe count. So the Solo edition for instance would get 512 addresses that you can devise over any amount of universes. This would also facilitate parking my dynamic elements (flybars, smo...

4 Replies and 121 Views using location to filter plots
121 4 - Started by maarten796, last post from Floriaan
Hi all,  I&39;ve seen different feature requests that somehow are connected but not the same.  I would love to be able to filter the view in a plot by its location tag.  For instance give all the fixtures on a specific flybar the same location and then make a printout of just that truss. Greetings Maarten

3 Replies and 97 Views WASD to move in the views
97 3 - Started by Deshley, last post from Floriaan
Hello there, I was wondering if it was possible to maybe add a feature, or some kind of plugin, to move using the WASD keys in the editor. Im not sure what its called but the view you get when looking at it with the lights and stuff and you see what it would look like in real life. For example: W = forward A = strafe left S = backwards D = strafe right Just like a video game of some sort. I suppose moving around would be way easier that way.

6 Replies and 301 Views Custom plot annotation
301 6 - Started by Sytse Lauwen, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi Folks I would like to be able to customize the plot annotation. I would like to use this to make my plots easier to understand. because currently the only way you can customize is by moving the annotation around. I want to be able to insert a custom image and overlay my fixturedata on top. similar to the image below. I would love to see something like this implemented in a future update. Greetings, Sytse Lauwen

2 Replies and 88 Views Open Multiple capture File on the same computer
88 2 - Started by Jo MARTIN, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hello, This would be helpfull sometime to have the possiblity to open multiple Capture File on the same computer. Espacially to Drag n drop stuff from one to another, or have same modifs on 2 differents version on a project. Thank you

2 Replies and 65 Views 0.0 Point when DWG export
65 2 - Started by Outside The Circle, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hey Guys Would it be possible to include an 0.0 point when exporting an Capture DWG  So when someone in VWX/SCAD/... would import the 0.0 point is defined  Would be really helpfull for our clients that need to open our DWG files!  thanks! 

4 Replies and 132 Views Lightwright circuit names
132 4 - Started by Alexander Joseph, last post from Lars Wernlund
Lighwright Lightweight uses Circuitname and Circuit. So it would be great if Circuitname could be implemented in Capture as well.

2 Replies and 92 Views Kabel Tool
92 2 - Started by Jocke Fjelldal, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hej Kan man få lagt till några felt för då göra en Stam / Loom i Cabel tool. Med dessa felt kan man i raport filtrera och få till en hel kabel/ stam spec tänker jag. Allt i ( ) skriver man själv Felt som behövs Kabel Egenskaper:  Loom ID 1 ( LX 1 ) Cabel 1 ( Lx1.1 ) Kabel typ ( 3f16A ) Cabel 2 ( Lx1.2 ) Kabel typ ( 3f16A ) Cabel 3 ( Lx1.3 ) Kabel typ ( 3f16A ) Cabel 4 ( Lx1.4 ) Kabel typ ( Motor Socka ) Felt som behövs Fixture Egenskaper:  Loom id ( LX...
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