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0 Replies and 82 Views Better Power Calculations
82 0 - Started by LennySasso, last post from 2025-03-05 23:00
I’m wondering if there is a way that we can add the ability to push better power calculations - specifically amp draw. Perhaps we can select voltage either per fixture or per layer and have the ability to push a report that shows how many amps a group of fixtures will draw, at whatever voltage 120-240 we set I feel like this would help considerably when figuring out circuitry. I currently have to do all power calculations outside of Capture - would be nice to just include this.

5 Replies and 134 Views Fixture POV
134 5 - Started by Cyrille Morin, last post from Henry
Hi, Is there a Fixture POV (point of view) for adjust easily the projectors For exemple, this fonction exist in augment3d. Thx

6 Replies and 105 Views I feel Capture could benefit from a Gizmo (3d transform tool) and more object/group/global axis options for manipulating 3d objects
105 6 - Started by BadIdeaFactory, last post from Floriaan
<p>I&39;ve used a number of 3d programs in my time, but one of the fundamentally useful tools that I feel is missing in capture, is the &quot;Gizmo&quot; or &quot;transform tool&quot;It&39;s something very useful in programs such as Sketchup, Unreal engine, Blender, MA3D and many many more</p> <p><img alt="Transform Gizmo - Blender 4.3 Manual" aria-hidden="false" jsaction="" jsname="kn3ccd" src="https:...

2 Replies and 166 Views Fixture Finder Catalogue
166 2 - Started by Ben Cassels, last post from Tom Andrews
We all know how frustrating it can be to try and search for the "perfect" fixture for a gig. If you need something with 2 gobo wheels, searching through forums or manually dragging in 10s of fixtures into capture to find something that matches what you need can be tiresome. Capture has probably the leading fixture library, with every element of a fixture meticulously documented - could it not be possible to have a more advanced searching feature Search features such as whether or n...

1 Replies and 43 Views Capture Camera and IMAGS
43 1 - Started by Garrett Underwood, last post from Tom Andrews
Hello,  I&39;d love to see the ability to be able to take say my alpha view and use that as a video source for my LED screens in my room. That way for presentations I can display it as accurate os possible. We run IMAGS in our room and when rendering videos id love that the camera im looking at is being displayed on the IMAG screen. I can easily do it with still images but I want to make it feel "live" 

0 Replies and 35 Views Helpfile error, library file.
35 0 - Started by BadIdeaFactory, last post from 2025-02-25 07:37
Hey team, just spotted an error in the 2 recent versions of the online manual. The library file location is listed for mac, but is incorrect for Windows. We found it here: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Capture 2024 It isn&39;t just stored inside the C drive.

2 Replies and 68 Views Tme-Line
68 2 - Started by Subbass, last post from BadIdeaFactory
Hello Capture! I wish to add some time-line Tool, where we can add Sound files, cameras and their transitions, DMX snapshots, Media and etc...

0 Replies and 35 Views Plot enhancements
35 0 - Started by Drew Holmes, last post from 2025-02-24 14:14
Couple of thoughts on potential Plot enhancements. 1) Have an "Overlay" option alongside the current "Underlay" 2) Have the ability for plots to return the correct data when using the "Drawing Name" function in a text field.  Currently I get "Underlay Layout" rather than "Lighting PLAN view" in my plot. I.e. it&39;s pulling the name of the plot where I set up the layout, rather than the plot I&39;m then using it in.   3...

0 Replies and 62 Views XYZ Movers
62 0 - Started by Jo MARTIN, last post from 2025-02-20 19:47
Hello All, Working with movers is sometime a pain, when you want to combine Up and domwn movers to Rotators, In exemple, to simulate a screen wit 4 asserved Motors, you need to first add a X rotator, then assign it to a Y rotator, then assign this second one to a Y movers. Could we have just one mover, with 6 axis options X,Y,Z and Rot X, Rot Y, Rot Z, So you can patch only one axis or more, only the one you need for your project. Thank you

0 Replies and 47 Views Patch in fixture library
47 0 - Started by marco, last post from 2025-02-18 17:57
HI. it would be nice to check the assignment of the dmx channels directly in the library, before inserting it into the project. I have many different fixtures and many I noticed that do not correspond with the channels, but to check them, I have to insert them into the project, then assign them a dmx channel and then go into universes to check if each channel corresponds with the real one, if you could see it directly in the library it would be faster to prepare the work.
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