2 Replies and 111 Views
Single Key Hotkeys and Navigation Remapping
111 2 - Started by Vei, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hello, I&39;d like to be able to remap hotkeys to single keys or without havign to use a modifier. Is there any reason this couldn&39;t be achieved Initially I&39;m looking to remap zoom to selection to just the Z or F key.
I&39;d also like to be able to remap the middle mouse navigation function to right click.
Something that&39;d be really nice is if there was an option to use Unreal Engine style navigation where you can use WASD and the mouse to navigate without needing to refocus...
4 Replies and 194 Views
194 4 - Started by Hljodx, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi I would like to request a new item, to me it would make sense to have it in stages in the objects folder.
I would like a generic molton drape in the size of 3m X 6m it would be nice to able to edit the size in properties, like i often do with stage platforms.
This would make ploting drapes very easy, it would show up on reports and you could just drag and drop drapes where ever needed.
It would be speacialy nice if the snapping would include about 30-40cm overlap
1 Replies and 190 Views
Disco Balls
190 1 - Started by George Anastasopoulos, last post from Erik
Hello, can you plaese add disco balls with diameter 0.5 m and 1 m. Thank you very much.
0 Replies and 222 Views
Performance Enhancer
222 0 - Started by Joao Oliveira, last post from 2024-01-24 11:08
Hello, I have recently been working on a show that will act as my base for the year, so there is a ton of fixtures of each kind, mainly I have 32 JDC1 and 64 P-5, this renders me to have them with the option to not throw light, because with a Mac Studio Ultra it will degrade the performance and quality.
My sugestion would be if the fixture is in a low channel count, for instance a SGM P-5 in 10ch mode will have all its LED&39;s to the exact same thing, therefore, instead of rendering each LE...
7 Replies and 327 Views
Lines to Pibe to Bar Converter
327 7 - Started by Mikkel Bedsted, last post from Jo MARTIN
Hello Capture team
Can&39;t we get an option to convert lines from CAD/Sketch up to Bar It is incredibly slow to have to draw and place all your light bars in capture when you already have them on your drawing.
thanks in advance
1 Replies and 179 Views
Camera Aspect ratios.
179 1 - Started by Per Danbo, last post from Lars Wernlund
I’m using Capture for visualisation for movies. Could you provide most common Camera Aspects besides 16:9 - 1.85:1, 2:1, 2.33:1 w. Black outside theese formats, not gray/transparent - right now it looks really old school. Not Cool ;-))
Also In Capture Mobile and please get rid of the ugly Gray bar in the top and make it full screen if not in camera aspect ratios.
6 Replies and 389 Views
Global enviroment
389 6 - Started by Petr Nikiforov, last post from Blessing
I would like to see a global environment, with the glow of the sun and moon, sunset and noon. And also the terrain
3 Replies and 423 Views
Object World Outliner
423 3 - Started by Stefan Stummer, last post from Blessing
it would be realy nice if we could get an World Outliner where every Lamp/Mesh/Truss is listed and selectable. It´s realy hard to work with many different objects in the scene without it!
Thank you!
0 Replies and 212 Views
3D Object list window
212 0 - Started by Blessing, last post from 2024-01-20 07:48
I would like to be able to select objects on a list like I would on select object in Blender, currently selecting objects on the 3D window is painful. E.g clicking on the wrong object while trying to select a group of objects like the led screen.
1 Replies and 117 Views
Scale library Thumbnails
117 1 - Started by jpversloot, last post from Floriaan
Hi all.
It would be great to have the ability to scale up the little thumbnail of the library items. I find myself somethimes very close to my monitor looking at all the little trusspieces to find out which corner I need.