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0 Replies and 261 Views resize view on a plot with a fixed scale
261 0 - Started by jbdardant, last post from 2023-10-13 20:21
Hello, I am using Capture 2021...  It would be nice to be able to block the view scale when resizing. I always set the scale, then see that something is missing, so i resize the view but while resizing scale is changing so i don&39;t know if the new size is good with the scale i did set few seconds before...

7 Replies and 372 Views Please allow for broader fixture and personality customization with a user fixture category of common fixture types
372 7 - Started by Previz pal, last post from Cookiebluerock
I&39;ve run into a number of issues due to the inherent limitations of the built-in library. A large number of the topics I see in this forum would be solved by allowing the user to have broad customization of existing fixtures or creating a new category of user fixtures. Whether a light creates beams, which surfaces emit light, and the materials on each model are clearly things that are customizable by the developers. Obviously, so are the personalities of each fixture. I can, as an exam...

0 Replies and 361 Views How to insert power distribution
361 0 - Started by Floriaan, last post from 2023-10-10 11:04
How can I insert power distribution (in the form of twofers or shuko triplets for instance) I would like those to appear in the cable reports as well.

0 Replies and 257 Views Better control of attributes via the Universe Tab
257 0 - Started by Aljoscha Kiss, last post from 2023-10-09 18:15
It would be great to be able to control the attributes of the current selection of fixtures all in one go, not having to go through all the single fixtures. So for example selection some spots, go to the universe tab-fixture mode, then control all the shutter channels of those fixtures. Sometimes the fixture files have multiple instances and the control panel is not able to control the needed channels. If multiple fixture types are selected they could be grouped to represent their specific chann...

2 Replies and 191 Views Snapshot creation and rendering within presentation files OR password protected layers and materials
191 2 - Started by Previz pal, last post from Lars Wernlund
I have created a previz file that took many many hours to complete and includes a lot of proprietary assets. I frequently have to give the ability to other LDs to previz, which is why Capture&39;s presentation function is so great! Unfortunately, I have no way for another LD to render a video without them having complete access to the file by giving them a C2P. While being able to hand them a presentation file with rendering functionality would be great, I do understand that it may oppose th...

2 Replies and 201 Views Page order when exporting multiple plots as one pdf
201 2 - Started by shaunvitamins, last post from Lars Wernlund
Am I missing something here I have say 5 plots and select them all to export as a single 5 page PDF. This works other than the page order does not seem to be chosen. I tried renaming the plots to start with a number to sequence them and selected in order etc but no joy.

5 Replies and 213 Views Internal Camera Path
213 5 - Started by Jo MARTIN, last post from Jo MARTIN
Hi all, Just a topic for request an internal Camera Patch. with the camera Catalog, it&39;s now easy to control it with a desk and record snapshots. But, in my opinion it should be easier if camera movement are independent. i.e : If we have a tool IN Capture to choose camera position order, damped type, time, curvature. Put this Cuelist on a Tab, press play and Capture will simulate the path internaly in the sofware could save a lot of time on programing renders. Thank you to have a...

4 Replies and 267 Views Sketchup Export
267 4 - Started by Jo MARTIN, last post from Jo MARTIN
Hi All, A request after lot of exange and trainning and Own experience. It&39; should be great to add Sketchup format (.skp) on export model feature. Skecthup Import work perfectly (with textures layers ....) export in this format could be very usefull. Thank you to have looK Regards.

0 Replies and 249 Views Fixture report Grouping by Universe
249 0 - Started by Fon Sanders, last post from 2023-09-29 12:49
Would it be possible to create the option in fixture reports to choose wether to group by universe or adress when grouping by &39;Patch&39;. Or alternatively, have the option to apply different filters to each separate table instead of on a report basis. I would like to create patch lists composed of actual fixtures and custom report item fixtures, grouped by Universe for clarity. Currently I have several work arounds to try this, all of which have major downsides. I can use a different ...

2 Replies and 285 Views Cable ends Point Snapper
285 2 - Started by Fon Sanders, last post from Fon Sanders
Hi, Would it be possible to add point snapper match function to the cable start and end labels This would for instance make it possible to add a point snapper to a Dimmer World, an LX, FOH etc. or even a break-out-box model and have the cable ends easily snap to that. It would also make it possible to enter &39;Fixture&39; or &39;Truss&39; in the cable end box and have it snap to that etc.  Currently it is possible to manually add two point snappers to a cable of course but thi...
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