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2 Replies and 510 Views Add text to plot
510 2 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Jonathan MARTIN
I would like to be able to add text to the plot. I mean not as a text item in the actual Plot, but in the cad drawing itself (Wireframe). I would like to use this in Cad, because: I would like the text to show up in multiple instances of the plan in plots (top view whole venue, top view stage, top view house, section stage, etc.) I would like some annotations to show up in exports I would like to be able to set some recurring symbols apart (like DMX movers), so they are easier to recog...

2 Replies and 229 Views Auto refresh Key Symbol List
229 2 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Jonathan MARTIN
The title sais it all... Could you please at the start of editing a plot auto refresh the key symbol list. This does not happen at the moment, while the plot itself correctly updates from the wireframe. So when you add a bunch of lights to your design, the amounts mentioned in the key do not correspond with the amount of lights in the plan. This can cause serious discussions with your rental company...

1 Replies and 173 Views Ruler Theatre Dimensions
173 1 - Started by Luminous, last post from Floriaan
Hi Capture, I work in a theatre and when hanging lights we use &39;&39;theatre meters&39;&39; This means 0 is centre stage, 50 cm to left or right is &39;&39;1m apart&39;&39; Example: a light goes on 2m SR (stage Right) --> 1 m from 0 in real meters.  So it would be awesome if a ruler could say 0,1m,2m,3m but the actual spacing is 50 cm Kind regards, Rob

1 Replies and 177 Views Led screen throws ambient light
177 1 - Started by Blessing, last post from Blessing
Hi team Capture I am coming from L8 and VW, really impressed with how Capture renders complex fixtures like Martin Sceptron. It would be awesome if built in led panels could throw ambient light, this will take Capture renders to the next level.

4 Replies and 242 Views Presentation > Hog 4 Positions
242 4 - Started by Colin Wood, last post from Christopher Snape
Hi Lars, Should we be able to select fixtures, right click on the stage and have pan/tilt values be generated in Hog 4 programmer when using a Capture Presentation and CITP Or is this just for full version If not, could it possibly be added Many thanks. Colin

0 Replies and 264 Views Make Underlay Plots Moveable/Editable
264 0 - Started by Aljoscha Kiss, last post from 2023-09-05 23:18
Hey Team, I have a feature request regarding the plot underlay. It would be great to be able to move around/resize the plot underlay when using this on other plots. I'd usually like to place my plot underlay (oftentimes just the symbol key) in different locations on my plots, which is currently not possible. It could basically just work like an inserted view. Also it would be great to be able to locally override the content of the symbol key (when symbol key is coming from an underlay plo...

3 Replies and 259 Views Mp3, Wav format player
259 3 - Started by MEDIAM, last post from Floriaan
Will be possible to add .mp3, .wav formats to the Media Player

0 Replies and 271 Views Stage decks
271 0 - Started by GEORGE, last post from 2023-09-01 11:51
hello i have a request for stage decks we need to be able to choose a triangular shape stage deck and control the number of pipes that each stage deck has and be able to choose pipe lenght seperatly. thanks

6 Replies and 587 Views Feature requests coming from wyg
587 6 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Floriaan
Hi, I’m quite new to Capture. After working with Wysiwyg since revision 3.1 (yep, that’s a long time ago), I am very happy to finally have jumped ship to Capture. It has been a real pleasure so far and I am impressed with the pace of innovation and the high quality of the software. The speed with which I can get things done is really impressive. I am almost through reading the posts on this forum, but I might have missed some, so excuse me if some of my questions have been asked b...

4 Replies and 224 Views Set ambient light in iOS app
224 4 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Floriaan
Could you add an option to set the ambient light in the iOS app (Live vieuw) When there is no scene recorded the only way to see something is with a console connected.
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