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0 Replies and 46 Views Creation Fixture
46 0 - Started by Lucas Duchemin, last post from 2025-01-29 20:37
Bonjour, serait&39;il possible de crée la fixture des changeur de couleur, chameleon pr lighting SVP merci d&39;avance :)

3 Replies and 1167 Views Rotate view objects in plots
1167 3 - Started by Ronald Salas, last post from Drew Holmes
I would love to be able to rotate the view objects in plots. As of now you can&39;t have a top view and a section view both in standing orientation. This makes it hard to be space efficient in your plots. Thanks for all the great work Ronald

0 Replies and 42 Views Robe Spektrabeam visualization
42 0 - Started by SVF Lighting, last post from 2025-01-26 11:15
Hi, is it possible to add Spektrabeam visualization to Capture Would be awesome to program with it and get a sort of correct effect IRL as well.

0 Replies and 48 Views Orbiting Modes
48 0 - Started by Aljoscha Kiss, last post from 2025-01-23 18:54
It&39;s probably something on my end and I already contacted suppuert, but it feels like the orbiting behavior changed. Usually when I had my camera centered on the object I wanted to orbit around, it worked and felt good and natural. Lately this is not the case anymore and it feels like my camera is "off". FOV is 45° so not related to this. Especially when using the "free flight" (shift middlemouse) it shifts the image only by milimeters. The orbit also is not about t...

1 Replies and 52 Views Revision history report
52 1 - Started by DRW, last post from Floriaan
It would be nice to have built-in report with access to project variables (revision no. etc). to put there infos about what changed in curent revision of project. 

1 Replies and 48 Views Aligning objects
48 1 - Started by DRW, last post from Floriaan
Hi, When we put some objets on wireframe, then select them and drag red square in corner of selection area to change spacing of objects, first object also moves as if the first point taken into calculation was the place where the boundary of the selection area is. The correct behavior should be to not move the object that is on the other side of the square that we are dragging.

2 Replies and 70 Views feature request: Lock axis when moving object
70 2 - Started by JohanH, last post from JohanH
Hi team Capture! When we move an object, either it be in a 3D perspective or 2D, it would be nice to for instance hold X to just be able to move that object on the X axis. Could this be implemented All the best. Johan

1 Replies and 63 Views Export Individual Plots all At once
63 1 - Started by Guillaume Lalonde, last post from Floriaan
As title says. It would greatly speed things up if we could export several plots as individual files all at once. 

2 Replies and 75 Views Selador Desire D40 Diffuser Lenses
75 2 - Started by Roma Flowers, last post from Roma Flowers
Are there easily available Diffuser Lenses for the Selador Desire D40 fixtures Or something that can be a reasonable substitution Or should I just use diffusion gel Trying to replicate the specific angles to what I have available IRL!  haha.

1 Replies and 54 Views Enable DMX Movers to function in custom view
54 1 - Started by Guillaume Lalonde, last post from Lars Wernlund
Often times when I&39;m using DMX movers to move trusses or screens I want to view the movement in Custom view so I can see it without any of the heavy rendering that is done in Render View.  Regards,  G
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