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0 Replies and 331 Views Recall Last Selection
331 0 - Started by Mario Torchio, last post from 2023-01-22 11:51
The ability to recall the last selection of objects or fixtures, could be a big time saver.

0 Replies and 310 Views Replacing Fixtures
310 0 - Started by Mario Torchio, last post from 2023-01-22 11:49
Replacing Fixtures ( commandshiftr) with another fixture library can be at times a very tricky and frustrating process: the area in which the new fixture is to be dragged for the "" sign to appear can get hard to find.  Maybe making that area bigger, or dragging the new library onto the copy/paste icon could make for a better user experience

1 Replies and 229 Views Sequential Selection Order Default
229 1 - Started by Chris Thoms, last post from Floriaan
Hi Capture team, One small workflow enhancement which could make a big difference in quality of life might be to be able to set a detault selection order when selecting fixtures for Sequential processing. I find myself quite often clicking on lots of individual fixtures in a overhead/plot view, to ensure that I&39;m getting the order the way that I want it, which is not really a problem with small designs, but gets complicated when you are dealing with hundreds of fixtures, some...

0 Replies and 319 Views Rigging Point Z/YZ Coordinate Style
319 0 - Started by Luminous, last post from 2023-01-10 17:00
Hi Capture Team, I would be awesome iff a rigging point, could display only the &39;&39;Z&39;&39; and only &39;&39;Y/Z&39;&39; Coordinate. (XYZ/XZ allready possible) We do theater tours and use rigging points to label our flywall bars. (LX1,LX2, DECO 1. Etc.) This is nice because u can move your lights and rigging point label to a other dimension/flywall bar And leave all the Flywall bars at there basic position Then u can see the height and distance front the stage edge....

0 Replies and 314 Views DMX Data visualization in plot view
314 0 - Started by Artem, last post from 2023-01-07 15:24
Hi Capture team! I love your software and have been a loyal user for a number of years. I work on Chamsys gear in film/tv in the States. I&39;ve noticed that recently gaffers and DPs (my bosses) love to have a tablet with a live view of what their fixtures are doing in real time. They dont need a 3d environment which can be hard for a non user, a readable live plot is what they&39;re looking for. EOS guys accomplish this beautifuly with a magic sheet and a VNC connection to the DPs tablet. ...

0 Replies and 307 Views Show Library
307 0 - Started by Reza, last post from 2023-01-04 04:38
Please add a feature in the library that contains the show fixtures (not only recent) and color and etc. 

0 Replies and 321 Views rigging point
321 0 - Started by jbdardant, last post from 2023-01-03 16:36
Hello, It would be nice to be able to display only one coordinate relative to a rigging point (only X or Y or Z). For exemple, if you need a rigging point on a pipe already existing in the venue, you just need to specify the X value (you will never need Z and not so much Y) For the moment in capture, you can choose to see the 3 coordinates or 2 according to the plot view (top or side or front). And the icing on the cake would be the possibility of customise the name of each...

0 Replies and 314 Views join same channel circuit
314 0 - Started by jbdardant, last post from 2023-01-03 12:58
On the plan, please add a function allowing to have only one number for several projectors having the same channel (or circuit or patch) number. For the moment, it can be done by hand easily but people like me obsessed with the perfection of their light plo can lose a certain time to perfectly align this information... Thank you

0 Replies and 299 Views Drag to resize
299 0 - Started by Floriaan, last post from 2023-01-02 14:25
It would be nice to be able to drag to resize certain objects like lines, measurements or boxes, alongside being able to type their exact sizes in the properties window.

1 Replies and 225 Views Axys change according to view
225 1 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Floriaan
The axys system in 3d cad views change according to the view you are working in view. I would really appreciate an option to have the Z-axys always be the height, the X-axys always be left right, etc.  If I do a duplication in Top-view and set a Z-offset, I expect the copy to appear above or below the original, instead it appears in the upstage-downstage direction. 
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