0 Replies and 2431 Views
Symbol Configurator Suggestions
2431 0 - Started by Daarrgh, last post from 2022-07-22 10:08
Re-ordering of symbols.
Scaling of symbols to match plots. I use custom symbols and sometimes use the same symbol for multiple fixtures but with different symbol scales in plot view. I would like the symbol configurator to match this.
2 Replies and 335 Views
export widgets
335 2 - Started by Andreas, last post from Andreas
It would be super helpful if we could get an export function for the widgets and report items.
0 Replies and 1088 Views
MVR Import and fixture control mode.
1088 0 - Started by Henry, last post from 2022-06-23 01:00
During an MVR import, it would be a time saver to be able to set the fixture mode while selecting fixture types in the "Identify Fxtures" dialog box.
3 Replies and 995 Views
layers in sketchup
995 3 - Started by Simon@minack, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi, it would be really great if the layering created in sketchup could somehow be kept in the import. My designers do a lot of work to create scenes for me only for it to be lost on the import
0 Replies and 1097 Views
Hanging cable simulation
1097 0 - Started by eriklt, last post from 2022-06-06 11:48
Would it be possible to create a new library item, that can be suspended between two points and then simulate the slack of the wire hanging between the points
I&39;m looking into working more with kinetics and winches in my designs. And I think it would just be awesome to have a simulated festoon string og lights attached to DMX movers which would actually previs the final look of moving suspended cables.
Probably not the easiest request - but might not be the most difficult ei...
0 Replies and 1061 Views
Timecode Recording
1061 0 - Started by adammathieson, last post from 2022-05-30 16:18
Hi all, I have been working quite a lot recently with timecode in my shows, and was wondering there would be a way to record incomming timecode or even audio allowing you synchronise recordings done in Capture with a timecodeed playback.
Kind regards,
Adam Mathieson
0 Replies and 1075 Views
Rigging Point Weights
1075 0 - Started by Pearce Hire, last post from 2022-05-25 15:55
It would be great if there was an option with the rigging point library items, to display the weight that is inputted into the Report Item field in the plot view.
Currently I&39;m having to repeat the weight in the text field which is time consuming when you have lots of rigging points.
0 Replies and 362 Views
Transparent Images in Plots
362 0 - Started by Pearce Hire, last post from 2022-05-25 15:42
It would be great if when adding PNG image files that have transparent backgrounds into plots, if the transparency was preserved.
2 Replies and 319 Views
Object Plot Annotation Text
319 2 - Started by Theo Cox, last post from Theo Cox
I would dearly love Text as an option (under Plot Annotation properties) with all Form Objects (particularly Box), to allow a simple way of permanently adding annotations in the environment without round-the-houses adding of individual items of text in Plots.
In fact, this for ALL objects would be very useful.
Thank you!