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4 Replies and 275 Views Universe limit to address count limit
275 4 - Started by Floriaan, last post from SOULAGES BORIS
sACN and ArtNet nodes are becoming more and more affordable. This causes more and more theaters and touring companies to separate their universes by location. These universes are often not very densely populated. The request is to change the limit for Capture licenses to an address count, rather than a universe count. So the Solo edition for instance would get 512 addresses that you can devise over any amount of universes. This would also facilitate parking my dynamic elements (flybars, smo...

2 Replies and 71 Views clean distribution of objects
71 2 - Started by Aljoscha Kiss, last post from Lars Wernlund
It would be great if there is a mode I can toogle, where the opposite edge of the selection that gets distributed by pulling the corner stays in place. Right now, the left side will also gradually move when I pull the right side (why actually), which makes it hard to cleanly distribute these objects. A second mode to spread out the selection in a kind of "fan style" from center outwards would be a nice addition.

1 Replies and 77 Views Skipping Universes should be possible
77 1 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Lars Wernlund
I would like to be able to skip universes without having to create the universes in between. I cannot create a universe 11 without creating universes 1 through 10 as well, because the patch base needs to be ascending without gaps.  Universe name 1, 4, and 5 is possible, patchbase 1.1-512, 4.1-512, 5.1-512 is not possible unless you would also be creating patchbase 2 and 3. Also, I think it is really confusing that the universe name is used in all the plots, fixture lists, and r...

1 Replies and 69 Views Consolidate objects
69 1 - Started by LuukLuukLuuk, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hello Capture!  I work a lot with the 3d objects from capture to make a new object. I would like a feature to consolidate the selected objects into one new object removing the existing &39;border lines&39; and making the outlines of the newly created shape into a whole.  Lets say as an example; I have a block and a pipe object connecting to eachother. Instead of grouping them I would like to &39;consolidate&39; or &39;merge&39; them into one object. So that I don&39;t have...

1 Replies and 53 Views Fixture tab filters
53 1 - Started by Omar86, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi, is It possibile to implement filters to the fixture tab Sometimes I have different stages with a similar plot for confrontation but fixtures tab shows me every fixtures and there is no way to separate and filters fixtures based on filters. Thank you

2 Replies and 75 Views Website wording for version comparison
75 2 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Jake Sliv
I would like you to consider changing the wording on the website to clarify something. I definately got this wrong!  I thought the 1/2/4/Unlimited universe feature would be limited to the visualisation engine. I definately didint realise it would be throughout the software and limit patching for drawing plans.  I&39;ve bought a Symphony licence so that when we want to pre-vis a show we can fully patch things, but I&39;ve told my colleages to buy Solo licences to work on drawing...

1 Replies and 57 Views Kabel Tool
57 1 - Started by Jocke Fjelldal, last post from Jocke Fjelldal
Hej Kan man få lagt till några felt för då göra en Stam / Loom i Cabel tool. Med dessa felt kan man i raport filtrera och få till en hel kabel/ stam spec tänker jag. Allt i ( ) skriver man själv Felt som behövs Kabel Egenskaper:  Loom ID 1 ( LX 1 ) Cabel 1 ( Lx1.1 ) Kabel typ ( 3f16A ) Cabel 2 ( Lx1.2 ) Kabel typ ( 3f16A ) Cabel 3 ( Lx1.3 ) Kabel typ ( 3f16A ) Cabel 4 ( Lx1.4 ) Kabel typ ( Motor Socka ) Felt som behövs Fixture Egenskaper:  Loom id ( LX...

1 Replies and 80 Views Sequential patching other than main engines
80 1 - Started by Tyko, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi!  It would be a good functionality to be able to select also the other possible engines in a fixture. For example, I have 64pcs of Tambora Linear 100 fixtures. They have 2 other engines (rgb and strobe) in addition to the main engine. If i want to be able to use the fixture&39;s pixel mapping capabilities in Capture, I have to manually patch every engine in every fixture and calculate the correct offset for the 2nd and 3rd engine. Now as you select the fixtures and do a sequential...

4 Replies and 97 Views Change the importing Scale intead of 2.54mm
97 4 - Started by Jonathan MARTIN, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hello, Could you please by default change the importing scale on an object, (DWG, Skp gltf....) Could you please keep the original drawing unit (like centimeters, milimeters, meters etc...) Or if it&39;s not in the imported file, keep the drawing scale in meters instead of 2.54mm, because the major part of drawiong unit in this industry is on meters. Thank you

1 Replies and 77 Views Custom Face Style
77 1 - Started by Timo Tali, last post from Lars Wernlund
Please add a custom face style that is a solid but also will render the wireframe would be amazing assist for some of the things. 
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