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1 Replies and 118 Views Copy Parts of Group
118 1 - Started by Aljoscha Kiss, last post from djstenger
Please make it possible to copy parts of groups, without having to ungroup everything first, then copy and group again. I oftentimes want to select something out of a group (like the fixtures grouped with a truss) with ctrl clicking, then copying it, but that results in nothing.  

0 Replies and 65 Views Add custom internal/external accessories
65 0 - Started by Floriaan, last post from 2025-01-09 09:57
I would like to add more (custom) internal/external accessories to fixtures, as the list is quite limited right now. I am thinking about: - egg crate louvres - concentric rings - spill rings - half tophats (rotatable) - G-clamps in different heights - rain shields - rain domes ... well basically everything from city theatrical&39;s website ;-)

0 Replies and 45 Views Report items can use the accessories category in reports
45 0 - Started by Floriaan, last post from 2025-01-09 09:50
I am using an accessory for a fixture that is not in the fixture library as an internal or external accessory. I would like the report item for that accessory (e.g. an egg crate to be organized in Reports under "Accessories" rather than a under a separate header called "Other"

0 Replies and 46 Views Export documentation wizard
46 0 - Started by DRW, last post from 2025-01-07 10:33
It would be great if &39;export documentation&39; option evolve to more complex tool that gives You option to export not only all PDF&39;s but also other files as MVR&39;s, DWGs, CSVs of different flavours, presentation files and other stuff that should be part of festival documentation. As all of that stuff is already programmed i see it as kind of wizard that ask You what files You want and spit it as zipfile.   

0 Replies and 57 Views Variables in report
57 0 - Started by DRW, last post from 2025-01-03 12:40
Please make usage of  document variables in reports possible.   

0 Replies and 57 Views Effects in Fixture Reports
57 0 - Started by Yves, last post from 2025-01-01 18:03
Dear Capture Team, please add DMX patched effects into the fixture report. They already appear in "Projects / Fixtures", but they don&39;t show up in the report. Best Regards, Yves

0 Replies and 60 Views Channel count in fixture report
60 0 - Started by Yves, last post from 2025-01-01 12:26
Dear Capture-Team, please add the channel count of a DMX-Mode into the selectable columns in the fixture report. The reason for the request is the sometimes mismatched naming of the programming mode between your software, the fixture manufacturer and lighting console manufacturers. The channel count can then be the indicator to find out what mode the light is set to. You already give this information in the "Selected Items / Control / Mode", but only in brackets. But as soon...

0 Replies and 88 Views Make Materials -> Luminescence patchable
88 0 - Started by Floriaan, last post from 2024-12-17 13:00
Although the texture generator in Materials suggests light output (glow, not actual light emission) by being able to patch it as IRGB, it is not visible in a scene with no other light or without ambient lighting. To make it possible to actual control the intensity of an object I would like to be able to patch the luminescence property of materials. This could also make for a good LED strip simulator.

2 Replies and 78 Views pixel mode off mode
78 2 - Started by Hyney, last post from Hyney
I am trying to sequential patch 25 fixtures (Maverick MK3 LED) in 21ch basic mode, however currently  Capture wants to patch the pixel mode as well, which adds 81ch to the fixture which I do not want, and no option to ignore the pixel mode. So now I must patch fixtures individually and the unpatch the pixel mode and then primary patch the fixture and modeagain!! Can you please make this whole process easier, some of the greatest features on Capture is the fast quick pace you can do thing...

0 Replies and 61 Views Make an option for the 'current layer' to be the only selectable one
61 0 - Started by Peter, last post from 2024-12-15 14:46
Could we have an view option where only the &39;Current&39; layer can be selected It would help to avoid selecting the wrong thing when hopping around layers to make adjustments to the plot / positions of things without having to toggle all the check boxes &39;unselectable&39; for every layer but the one you want to use. It would also be great to be able to &39;grey&39; out the layers that aren&39;t the current layer.
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