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0 Replies and 426 Views Import model layer filter
426 0 - Started by bernat, last post from 2022-02-03 10:14
Hi, When importing a model would be nice to have the possibility to filter layers. Sometimes I just want to pick a part of a model from another file and is very difficult to find it because othe layers are in the way. That would made easy to reuse old files crowded with layers. /Bernat

0 Replies and 469 Views Multi filter on a plot
469 0 - Started by jc fayolle, last post from 2022-02-01 10:57
Hi, I use to put more than one filter on my conventionnal (CTB Frost e.g.). As they are shown side by side on a plot, it quickly becomes unreadable with a lot of conventionnal. Could you add a second slot for filters (slot 1 and slot 2 e.g.) right above each other on a plot Morever, it could be an easy way to remove one type of filter on a selection instead of removing  all at each time. Thanks. Jc

0 Replies and 444 Views Rotation of views plots
444 0 - Started by Marnus - The Production Warehouse, last post from 2022-02-01 10:46
Hi Guys, Suggestion: Would be handy to have the option to offset the rotation of a plot, without offsetting it in the actual drawing. This is useful when the stage is at in a 45 degree corner etc. Thanks!

0 Replies and 439 Views upgraded Align/spread tools
439 0 - Started by Deleted User, last post from 2022-01-31 20:36
Hi! Upgraded tools for align/spread tool would be really helpful.  Such things as - spread along path , along line , between points and many others.  The current tools are quite limited (for me at least (: ) Thanks!

0 Replies and 447 Views Autosave
447 0 - Started by bernat, last post from 2022-01-31 20:22
Autosave option. Rregards Bernat

1 Replies and 280 Views Color picker live mode
280 1 - Started by Petr Nikiforov, last post from Lars Wernlund
Change in control pane in live mode color management to color picker

0 Replies and 437 Views Martin P3 support
437 0 - Started by Simon Jensen, last post from 2022-01-27 19:27
It would be really cool, if you could add Martin P3 protocol/fixture support to capture. Would be awesome if I could just connect a P3 controller to capture, and every Martin creative led product I dragged into my drawing, would show up on the P3 controller for easy control/setup/preprogramming etc. Thanks :)

0 Replies and 1166 Views Fully convert function
1166 0 - Started by Dracula, last post from 2022-01-18 09:46
Hi Capture team! So I have just tested convert lines to pipes function at sketcup model. It works. But then I use it i cannot mount my fixture at this pipe like as if i have used generic bar. It&39;s very saddenlly. Colud you expand lines to pipes fixture or made pipe to bar additions

2 Replies and 1136 Views Rotate view objects in plots
1136 2 - Started by Ronald Salas, last post from Ronald Salas
I would love to be able to rotate the view objects in plots. As of now you can&39;t have a top view and a section view both in standing orientation. This makes it hard to be space efficient in your plots. Thanks for all the great work Ronald

0 Replies and 1228 Views remove only ONE filter
1228 0 - Started by Thierry Morin, last post from 2021-12-16 19:20
Hi there, I would like to suggest the possibility to remove just one filter when you have more than one on a fixture. Often, I&39;ve got a color and a frost and if I want to change or remove the frost on my FOH, I have to remove all the filters and put again the color. Best regards, Thierry
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