0 Replies and 66 Views
Fixture macros and special effects support
66 0 - Started by MADLACK, last post from 2024-12-13 19:17
I would like to see support added for fixtures that have built in effect macros (auto programs) such as the elation chorus line 8 and 16. Is this possible
2 Replies and 480 Views
Auto Update Symbol Key / DMX Modes in Symbol-Key
480 2 - Started by Andreas, last post from Aljoscha Kiss
Auto updating the symbol key would be very helpful, as for now it&39;s an additional step when exporting plots which people (me) tend to forget.
Having the ability to show the DMX-Mode for the specific fixture type would be super handy.
0 Replies and 60 Views
iOS app adjust viewing angle in app
60 0 - Started by Floriaan, last post from 2024-12-10 13:46
The viewing angle in the Live and Custom views in the iOS app is based on that of the Alpha view in the original file. Since the aspect ratio of a computer monitor is rather diffferent than that of a phone screen, I think it is a good idea to be able to change the viewing angle in the app.
3 Replies and 380 Views
DMX Mode Symbol Key
380 3 - Started by Andreas, last post from Jo MARTIN
It would be super Handy to have the DMX Modes in the symbol key. Maybe as an Display Option: "Fixture Names w/ Count and Mode" and "Fixture Names and Mode"
2 Replies and 139 Views
Cold Sparkular
139 2 - Started by Jurie, last post from Aljoscha Kiss
Good day,
It would be helpfull to have the cold sparlular simulation in future like the flame machine / flame thrower effect. I find the sparkular to be a very good sales tool when doing a presentation to a client.
Thanks in advance
5 Replies and 169 Views
sACN from LocalHost
169 5 - Started by sl1200mk2, last post from sl1200mk2
it would be great if localHost could be used as sACN input source.
best regards,
2 Replies and 88 Views
Custom plot annotations for fixtures
88 2 - Started by ahalpuh, last post from ahalpuh
Since circuit, dmx address and fixture ID each have a seperate box, the fixture annotations really cluttering up the plot. Especially if you have a lot of fixtures in a narrow space.
It would be really handy to have just one box per fixture with all the relevant information within. The box may have the following customization and options:
- set the background color independent of the fixture
- set the outline color independent of the fixture
- get rid of the connecting line between f...
3 Replies and 143 Views
Return to old Color picker for Layers and other thing
143 3 - Started by Jo MARTIN, last post from Jo MARTIN
Hello All,
Since the introduction of the new color picker for layers, it&39;s for me and lot of users I teach in Trainning course a waste of time to set colors by this way.
Could you please return to the old colorpicker one, on Windows for exemple, re-link to the system colorpicker. By this way you can find and retreive your personnal colors on all of your applications, because we are working on multiple software, and the colors chart could be cross-sofware by this way.
Thank y...
2 Replies and 83 Views
clean distribution of objects
83 2 - Started by Aljoscha Kiss, last post from Lars Wernlund
It would be great if there is a mode I can toogle, where the opposite edge of the selection that gets distributed by pulling the corner stays in place. Right now, the left side will also gradually move when I pull the right side (why actually), which makes it hard to cleanly distribute these objects. A second mode to spread out the selection in a kind of "fan style" from center outwards would be a nice addition.
1 Replies and 91 Views
Skipping Universes should be possible
91 1 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Lars Wernlund
I would like to be able to skip universes without having to create the universes in between.
I cannot create a universe 11 without creating universes 1 through 10 as well, because the patch base needs to be ascending without gaps.
Universe name 1, 4, and 5 is possible, patchbase 1.1-512, 4.1-512, 5.1-512 is not possible unless you would also be creating patchbase 2 and 3.
Also, I think it is really confusing that the universe name is used in all the plots, fixture lists, and r...