4 Replies and 134 Views
Feature request: Sublayers
134 4 - Started by typeface, last post from Jonathan MARTIN
Dear Capture team.
as a fulltime capture symphony user id like to see a sublayer system in capture.
let me explain.
in our use case we use layers to color every spot type in our plots. but if we use multiple spots on different truss systems we would like to have the ability to add these spots to a sublayer leaving the plot color intact so we can exclude the (master layer (example LX1 or audiance lights) from some plot views.
the layer system could be -main layer (lx.....) sub layer f...
2 Replies and 123 Views
origin of objects
123 2 - Started by bernat, last post from Jonathan MARTIN
I would like the Y-axis origin of objects such as instruments, furniture, etc., to be set to &39;0,&39; similar to how it is for actors or stage objects."
0 Replies and 98 Views
Ability to choos the hook size of a fixture
98 0 - Started by Jonathan MARTIN, last post from 2024-09-19 10:03
Hello Capture team,
We all know that a fixtures could sometime not be hang on a truss or a pipe at the same trim height, because of the hook size.
There is a lot of manufacturer of hook, and the hanging plate has different size pear buider.
So, if we could have a option on every fixture on a project to set the space between the truss and and the fixute body, this should be great, because now, when you snap a fixture on a truss, there is no way to modify the space.
Thank you.
0 Replies and 79 Views
Option to save panoramic images
79 0 - Started by Studio6W, last post from 2024-09-18 13:10
Would it be possible to have an option to save panormaic images from the &39;Render Image&39; option. This could allow a &39;stop gap&39; solution to viewing renders in VR.
1 Replies and 76 Views
Custom artnet port
76 1 - Started by uketernity, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi folks
I&39;d like to be able to set a custom artnet port rather than the default 6454. When running Capture on the same machine as other lighting software, often only 1 application can bind to 6454 and depending upon the order the programs are launched only 1 "wins".
I use SoundSwitch as my main lighting software, and in version 2.9 it can send artnet data to localhost. I then take that dmx data and feed it into Chataigne so that I can maniulate it and forward it to other pro...
1 Replies and 110 Views
Cable and power management
110 1 - Started by kiartz, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hello everyone,
I usually use capture 2024 to project stage and technical details. I&39;ve already tried to use the cable but is very unconfortable to do. The split is slower and work well only in a side of cable.
-I ask to make new system like measurements, hold shift button and add a point click by click without use split.
-Have the possibility to add a symbols at the start and the end of cable with a legend to recognize them.
-The cable name after any corner make the mana...
1 Replies and 107 Views
Hide Mesurements text and Mesure
107 1 - Started by Jonathan MARTIN, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hello All,
In the plot style, there is an option to hide mesurements. Buts this not Hide the mesurements of the linear scalle.
Can you please add this feature When you apply a plot style without mesurements text, could this option hide the Linear scale text too
Thank you
1 Replies and 102 Views
Masks for Textures
102 1 - Started by Guillaume Lalonde, last post from Lars Wernlund
It would be really nice to have the ability to add masks for textures.
Would greatly improve the look of things like tree branches, curtains, bushes, etc.