7 Replies and 9659 Views
Nudge objects wuth cursor keys
9659 7 - Started by Judge, last post from Carlos
Is this possible at all, or could it be in future version It would be so handy and I am sure many of us use it in other programs. Sometime you want to move an object a little bit, but not actually spec the coordinates, and dragging the red box can be a problem as it may operate in more than one axis, so select and then nudge with a cursor key
0 Replies and 94 Views
Duplicate fixture and adresses
94 0 - Started by Electroguepard, last post from 2024-07-18 07:44
Sometimes on the design, is good to duplicate fixtures to see how it looks, but keeping the same addresses. Now when duplicating we need to fill again the address manually.
But would be good to duplicate both in one command, so we can get in a fast way different mock ups.
0 Replies and 113 Views
Strobe Function Issue
113 0 - Started by Foon, last post from 2024-07-10 19:55
Hi Capture,
I not sure is a bug or any others issues, but I found out a issue for the "Strobe" function on Capture.
Any fixtures the "Strobe" function more then 16hz will become static (Or Open).
I use a few different fixtures to do the testing, but all have the same result.
And the "Strobe" on 15hz also not look like the speed is on 15hz.
But if I using a console to create a Dimmer effect base on speed 1hz=60rpm,
The Dimmer effect speed untill 20h...
1 Replies and 90 Views
Warning IF you want to patch on used adesses
90 1 - Started by Jonathan MARTIN, last post from Erik
Hello All,
Is it possible to have a warning popup window when you want to patch on some adresses that are allready used by other fixutre
With buttons to choose
-you really want to patch on this adress
-you want to unpatch the previous fixtures on this adress
-you want to cancel operation
Thank you
7 Replies and 229 Views
Update without email?
229 7 - Started by Colin Bone, last post from Erik
TBH the whole faff of filling out 3 boxes of the same data, receiving and email with a link for a download, then realising it&39;s a windows/mac only link and then having to repeat the whole process as your 2 install slots are on both OS&39;s. just a little annoying.
Can we get a more streamlined process every time we open capture and are notified of a newer version please
2 Replies and 118 Views
Show/Hide hidden box in layers page
118 2 - Started by Colin Bone, last post from Colin Bone
I spend a lot of time while designing and drawing hiding and showing layers.
Having to go from layers, select using objects, to selected items, to find "hidden" then back to layers is a proccess I do a lot.
Any chance of a "hidden" tick box in the layers page like the locked and unslectable that is a copy of the one in the selected items page for speed
2 Replies and 249 Views
Capture live VR Performing
249 2 - Started by swanca, last post from Jonathan MARTIN
Hello, I don&39;t know if the topic is understandable...
Just wondering when it will be possible to use virtual reality glasses to view the project.
Virtual reality is developing very quickly and I think that adding such a function could revolutionize the work on many projects.
For starters, there could be a function of only VR live preview
and then as the next step, work in a VR environment in the projection where we work :)
Now seriously, what do you think about it
Some preparati...
0 Replies and 95 Views
Gels possibilities over gels frames
95 0 - Started by Alfredo Corni, last post from 2024-07-07 17:43
Hi I write to submit you the future possibility to put gels on a fixture even if the fixture doesn&39;t have a gel frame.
It is common use to set gels frames in a set up and hide fixtures behind them.
For examples I used some Prolights Halupix to light a scene with a 201 full ctb fixed with magnets and.
Or I need for a catwalk to hide some fixtures in a box where one face is a frost frame.
Do you think in the next future will be possible to get this feature
Could be really usefu...
2 Replies and 179 Views
Ayrton Rivale
179 2 - Started by Emilio Galluzzo, last post from Alfredo Corni
Hi all,
For upcoming projects we invested in the new to arive Ayrton Rivale profile wich will be delivered around Januari 2024.
Is het possible to updat your fixture library with this new to arrive fixture.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Greetings Emilio
4 Replies and 167 Views
Fixture/Object measurements
167 4 - Started by molliolli, last post from Subbass
Would it be possible to see the fixture/object measurements in Project > Selected Items, for example next to the weight or something