

Make Underlay Plots Moveable/Editable
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Posts:16 Basic Member

2023-09-05 23:18
    Hey Team,
    I have a feature request regarding the plot underlay.

    It would be great to be able to move around/resize the plot underlay when using this on other plots. I'd usually like to place my plot underlay (oftentimes just the symbol key) in different locations on my plots, which is currently not possible. It could basically just work like an inserted view.

    Also it would be great to be able to locally override the content of the symbol key (when symbol key is coming from an underlay plot). This is especially important, when I want to show different fixtures like houserig and touring rig etc on my different plots.

    All of this would be obsolete for me, if there was a function that automatically refreshes the symbol key, every time something changes in the project. Then I could just insert a symbol key where I want it and let it pull the necessary data from the project.

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