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0 Replies and 1796 Views Read before posting    
1796 0 - Started by Lars Wernlund, last post from 2021-11-23 09:21
Use the search function to see if someone has already posted the same request. If you find a variation of your proposed solution to a problem, reply to that post instead of making a new post. If you like a feature request, hit the like button instead of replying that you do. Don’t post lists of requests - make one post per feature request. We may engage with you and discuss the request if we want to understand it better, but don’t expect us to reply to all feature requests. ...

0 Replies and 24 Views XYZ Movers
24 0 - Started by Jo MARTIN, last post from 2025-02-20 19:47
Hello All, Working with movers is sometime a pain, when you want to combine Up and domwn movers to Rotators, In exemple, to simulate a screen wit 4 asserved Motors, you need to first add a X rotator, then assign it to a Y rotator, then assign this second one to a Y movers. Could we have just one mover, with 6 axis options X,Y,Z and Rot X, Rot Y, Rot Z, So you can patch only one axis or more, only the one you need for your project. Thank you

0 Replies and 25 Views favorites section in library
25 0 - Started by marco, last post from 2025-02-18 18:00
hi, a useful function at least in my opinion is to be able to have a part of the library with favorites where you could insert all the devices that we use most often, since the library is huge and sometimes I get lost looking for the right device.

0 Replies and 15 Views Patch in fixture library
15 0 - Started by marco, last post from 2025-02-18 17:57
HI. it would be nice to check the assignment of the dmx channels directly in the library, before inserting it into the project. I have many different fixtures and many I noticed that do not correspond with the channels, but to check them, I have to insert them into the project, then assign them a dmx channel and then go into universes to check if each channel corresponds with the real one, if you could see it directly in the library it would be faster to prepare the work.

15 Replies and 624 Views Layer Grouping
624 15 - Started by StefanKauw
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
, last post from bernat
Hey Guys, What about Layer grouping I&39;m using a lot of different layers and colors inside a basefile. This creates a huge list inside the layer pool. I&39;d love to see the possibility to group/folder those layers to create more practical visibilty. Very curious about your thoughts! Stefan

3 Replies and 117 Views People Walking Animation
117 3 - Started by Zack Saunders, last post from Reinis
Hello, My feature request is for the Actor, Emma, Kai, and Louis to have a walking animation. I use Capture for pre-viz rendering of fashion shows and I&39;d love to have the models walk the runway and have their arms, legs, and clothing move with them. In the meantime, I do use DMX movers to move them around. Thank you, Zack

1 Replies and 110 Views Fixture Finder Catalogue
110 1 - Started by Ben Cassels, last post from Floriaan
We all know how frustrating it can be to try and search for the "perfect" fixture for a gig. If you need something with 2 gobo wheels, searching through forums or manually dragging in 10s of fixtures into capture to find something that matches what you need can be tiresome. Capture has probably the leading fixture library, with every element of a fixture meticulously documented - could it not be possible to have a more advanced searching feature Search features such as whether or n...

4 Replies and 153 Views Align on grouped items
153 4 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Floriaan
When using align on grouped items, the alignment should not break the group and align the individual items from the group, but it should align the group as a whole. Example: when a truss structure is built out of individual elements (corners, sections, etc.) and you want to align multiple such structures, it should not pile up the individual parts, but leave the structures as a whole once they are grouped.

0 Replies and 39 Views More view section direction
39 0 - Started by Florian Declercq, last post from 2025-02-06 04:04
Hi, I’m currently battling with the fact I have several event where there a lot of stuff in all 4 walls and or direction and multiple location at once. Like by example totem all around in main area. Actually I’m only limited to top, right and front section. In order to make plot that make sense according to pov of techs, I have to cheat by inverting plot annotation in front section or right section and make lot more layers and filters to get plot that can’t be inverted on loadin by tech. My ...

2 Replies and 1136 Views Rigging Point Weights
1136 2 - Started by Pearce Hire, last post from technickirl
It would be great if there was an option with the rigging point library items, to display the weight that is inputted into the Report Item field in the plot view. Currently I&39;m having to repeat the weight in the text field which is time consuming when you have lots of rigging points.
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