4 Replies and 489 Views
Print Plot or report date
489 4 - Started by MIGNON MARTIN, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Is there any way to add the printing date on any document
This way, if there is several export, the date on allow you to know witch one is the last.
0 Replies and 520 Views
Capture student
520 0 - Started by NAUDON, last post from 2021-06-27 13:05
I&39;m searching for a student version for mas 0S 10.14. i can&39;t update my system anymore.Quelqu&39;un aurais gardé une version plus ancienne Je suis en galère. J&39;ai demandé directement au contact de Cpature, mais ils ne peuvent me l&39;obtenir et me demande de demander sur le forum. Merci par avance de votre aide et désolée, je ne parle pas anglais.
1 Replies and 319 Views
Color by Fixture type
319 1 - Started by MIGNON MARTIN, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
To make my plot easyer to read, i&39;d like to apply a color by fixture type.
The way i do it now is apply a layer by fixture type. But it&39;s take a lot of time to put all fixtures in the right layer.
2 Replies and 365 Views
Fill Light Problem?
365 2 - Started by Nithat Namfa, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi All,
I will try to find the cause of my fill light in my 3D when I turn on moving light in left area (RED color mark) of my picture it&39;s have some fill light but in right hand (Green Color mark) no fill light, all position of moving it&39;s same as left hand, when I turn off moving light it&39;s look ok all area it&39;s dark.
any advice for me to check this...
2 Replies and 595 Views
2020 vs 2021 Graphics
595 2 - Started by Tgriffen, last post from Vangelis Manolis
I&39;ve just opened a file i built a while back in 2020 (Symphony on mac, in case it matters) in 2021, and the rendered graphics in live view (automatic, favour performance) use significantly more GPU resources and movement effects are very steppy - the mac is visibly struggling to render it to the point of being useless.
Opening it in 2020 again, and it it renders nice and smoothly, with no issues.
I&39;m just wondering if anything significant has changed between versions in t...
1 Replies and 424 Views
Mirror Ball
424 1 - Started by thilda, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
is there a new way to create a Mirror Ball
I found a Post from 2017 with a link to a Google Drive.
It looks promissing, but i haven&39;t tryed it yet.
Never the less, How would one try to make a Mirror Ball with the latest version
3 Replies and 535 Views
G. R. B led tape
535 3 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
for whatever reason, i need to visualise some GRB led pixel tape.....YES, no. R G B, but G R B
ch1 : Green
Ch2, Red
Ch3, Blue
Capture only have RGB on the. generic inventory..
What can I do
1 Replies and 400 Views
Chinese fixtures
400 1 - Started by corentin bentz, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
hello i d&39;ont use de capture for the momment but i need to buy a visualizer in the eventuality or you would be brought to work with Chinese fixtures and that this one is not presente in the library of capture how to proceed
0 Replies and 469 Views
Touchscreen Compatibility
469 0 - Started by Klaas Hillmann, last post from 2021-06-08 16:03
Hi everyone,
pretty new to this programm and my Boss asked me, if it would be good to use a secondary touchscreen to operate it, especially in a live setting when the virtual stage is all build.
Any tried this and would or would not recommend it
Working from a Mac which might make it even less desirable