1 Replies and 407 Views
Chinese fixtures
407 1 - Started by corentin bentz, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
hello i d&39;ont use de capture for the momment but i need to buy a visualizer in the eventuality or you would be brought to work with Chinese fixtures and that this one is not presente in the library of capture how to proceed
0 Replies and 493 Views
Touchscreen Compatibility
493 0 - Started by Klaas Hillmann, last post from 2021-06-08 16:03
Hi everyone,
pretty new to this programm and my Boss asked me, if it would be good to use a secondary touchscreen to operate it, especially in a live setting when the virtual stage is all build.
Any tried this and would or would not recommend it
Working from a Mac which might make it even less desirable
2 Replies and 433 Views
Capture not doing what real lights do?
433 2 - Started by Andy, last post from Andy
I have done a presentation and used an ADJ Sweeper Beam Quad (39 chans) When set onto a sweep from left to right the Capture fixture just sweeps once left to right and then stops - the real fixture is continuously sweeping as programmed. does anyone know what the problem could be
1 Replies and 364 Views
$4th universe
364 1 - Started by Defalg, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
How long does it take to get my license for the upgrade from Duet to Quartet. How long will it take for my license to activate the extra universes. Will I get an email its been two days, I need it now as is have a room comming up next week using 4 universes. Im stuck, not being able to view two universes.
How come I have to pay for more universes DMX is DMX....no
1 Replies and 373 Views
Distance tool
373 1 - Started by nicolas, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi everyone,
I&39;m working on a project (384 Mo) with Capture Nexum and I can&39;t strech the distance tool as I&39;d like too. When I click on the arrow I can&39;t select it as it should. Is there a way to lock it somewher else than in the layer tab.
1 Replies and 487 Views
Movers direction
487 1 - Started by Andy, last post from Rossignol
I have finished a visualisation of my lights but found that I needed to turn my movers 90 degrees left, otherwise they were facing the wrong way...I just added some different movers and needed to do the same thing....the ‘front’ of the movers are all having to face left instead of facing to the front... anyone else finding this
3 Replies and 760 Views
Metering Intensity
760 3 - Started by bcolgate, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
New user, first post.
After looking through the documentation and watching the videos, I&39;m curious to know if the feature exists to measure the light intensity at a point (or on a surface) in the design. My general focus is on production and lighting for television, and it seems the calculations and rendering engine does all the math necessary to generate a result to know how many footcandles or lux are falling on a face or setpiece. Crosshair selection in the live view wo...
4 Replies and 745 Views
745 4 - Started by Andy, last post from Andy
New to the software... I want to make a small stage setup that includes two Equinox gigabars. Though the gigabar is available in the fixtures they are fixed in direction. I am unable to adjust the direction of each of the four lamps like I can with the real thing...what would be by best options please...should I look for four individual lamps and group them together If so what would make a similar alternative lamp
Are there any Light or speaker &39;tripod&39; stands available to download.