6 Replies and 899 Views
Build me a basic setup for a small fee
899 6 - Started by Andy, last post from Andy
Could someone build me a small setup on Student Eddition for a small fee
I have 2xEquinox gigabars and 4 Equinox fusion 100 spots (moving heads floor based). On a stage with 4 people (inc drummer)... I need it to work with DMXIS over art-net.
0 Replies and 574 Views
SE fixture alternatives
574 0 - Started by Andy, last post from 2021-03-30 13:39
Hi hope someone can help me.
I have downloaded Capture Student Edition to test out with my basic DMXIS basic setup. I have a very small set up consisting of 2x Equinox gigabar &39;T&39; bar each with four cob- LED lights (set to 12 channel RBG on each T bar).and 4 x Equinox Fusion 100 spot moving heads set to 15 channel... at the moment it is not worth me purchasing the full capture software until I build up my lighting rig...however..I am unable to find anything in the capture SE that...
2 Replies and 566 Views
Odd drop shadows around objects
566 2 - Started by Hardwater, last post from martinp
Hey there!
I&39;m having an odd issue where objects have a black drop shadow around them and I&39;m not sure where it&39;s coming from and how to remove it or make this look better. See the image below for an example.
All materials are from the pre-built library (none are imported or modified)
Ambient light has been increased 100 and decreased, and the shadows still show
Ground has just an image as a texture image.
I&39;m running on a high graphics card (NVidia) w...
1 Replies and 477 Views
477 1 - Started by Thiemann, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
first of all a big thank you for the free upgrade !!!
A year and a half ago I asked the question at a Q&A Show.
I miss the shortcuts in mine daily Business in Capture, especially when patching.
I want to have shortcuts for all :-)
Best Regards
2 Replies and 576 Views
Plot views
576 2 - Started by Simon@minack, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I am just organising my plot and all my views will be from the front as the are all effectively ladders or booms so a top view won&39;t be any good. The problem I am having is that the sybol shown in front view is different to that shown in top view and doesn&39;t match the symbol key created.
Also is it possible to edit the symbol key as not all of my fixtures are listed in it
6 Replies and 1220 Views
Feature Request : Linear Scale
1220 6 - Started by Guillaume, last post from Guillaume
Hi Capture Team, Hi everybody,
I&39;m a frequent wysiwyg user. I tried Capture 2020 during the first lockdown, and now I don&39;t want to go back to Wyg.
I really enjoy the workflow and performance of Capture.
But something make me sad. Could you please add a "Linear Scale" feature directly in Capture I know ther is a sketchup plugin to do this, but i think it is a big waste of time for such a simpl1e thing...
I know you are working on fancy 3D stuff for 2021, but printin...
2 Replies and 555 Views
GMA2 > Capture
555 2 - Started by Rob Garcia, last post from Rob Garcia
I&39;m familair with getting my design/patch out of capture and into Grandma2. What&39;s the best method for going the other way I have a show patched in GMA2 and the fixtures have 3d position data in GMA2. I can properly export my patch and import into capture, but none of the fixtures are positioned in 3D space correctly.
3 Replies and 615 Views
615 3 - Started by Mikkel Bedsted, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I wonder if it is not possible to make "snapshorts" a larger number of fixtures than one&39;s Capture linces, how can that be I would prefer that "snapshort" does not refer to DMX values, but to the output that your "shadeview" shows.
3 Replies and 527 Views
Moving a license
527 3 - Started by Simon@minack, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi, I have just bought my solo 2020 and installed it on my work desktop. I’d like to install it on my current laptop but it is being replaced at the end of the month. How do I move the license from my old to the new laptop so I can start using it now Thanks for your help.