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4 Replies and 703 Views Storing/Recalling Snapshots
703 4 - Started by Ryan, last post from jalec31800
Hi All, I&39;m a new user to Capture.  So far I&39;m getting the hang of it, learning curve considered. I seem to be having some difficulty with storing/recalling looks.  I have several VL3500 spots with different p/t values, color, gobo, shutter cuts, etc.  If I save the snapshot, the preview image looks correct but when I recall the snapshot all fixtures take on the same attributes of the first sequential fixture in the channel selection.  The same issue applies to ...

2 Replies and 525 Views unhide hidden smoke
525 2 - Started by Edwin, last post from Subbass
I made my smoke icon in the vierws invisible. Now i want to make it visible again, so i can have control over it. How to do this

1 Replies and 507 Views Student Version to Full Version
507 1 - Started by Dramalight_LS, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi, Just wondered if you spent a number of hours designing a project in the student edition and later decided to purchase a full license to the full version of Capture 2020. Is it possible to import the student edition project into the full version as I don&39;t want to restart from scratch again

1 Replies and 480 Views DMX Camera
480 1 - Started by SANTIAGO, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hello friends, the student version have control with the dmx cameras when I make the patch I have no more control. Thanks.

3 Replies and 800 Views I-Cue with Seachanger?
800 3 - Started by Don Fox, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hello, A theatre I would like to pre-vis has a couple of Source 4&39;s with Rosco I-cues AND Seachangers onboard... How can I previs this in Capture  I have been able to assemble a Source 4 with the i-cue OR the Seachanger in Capture and see how it will patch, etc,,, but don&39;t seem to be able to add both to the same fixture. Any insight is appreciated!  Thank you! don

1 Replies and 576 Views Prolyte
576 1 - Started by Niels7000, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hello, I don&39;t find the Prolyte MPT Tower (and others towers) on the stuctures library On the Prolyte website there is some DWG on this but is not really structure connect. Do you have a better solution Thanks

1 Replies and 593 Views Snap to pipe and move with dmx mover
593 1 - Started by Georg Vogt, last post from Georg Vogt
Hi there and thanks for any help, I have built a 3D model of our theatre and want to adapt it according to the needs of the performances. All should be done with dmx movers and rotators. Flats, curtains, cycs etc went fine but now the fixtures on a pipe should be moved together with that pipe through the dmx mover of that pipe. Does anyone have a solution Thanks again.

1 Replies and 509 Views Universes in demo version
509 1 - Started by Prodco, last post from Prodco
Hi there Im really enjoying my demo version of Capture. However, I cant seem to have fixtures on universe B respond to DMX. Ive successfully exported all of my fixtures out of Vectorworks and have mapped the "Universe/Address" field in VW to "Patch" in Capture at the import. All fixtures on Universe A are receiving DMX via sacn. Im running Onyx on the same PC. Is the demo version limited to 1 universe Cheers

5 Replies and 968 Views Export from vectorworks
968 5 - Started by Prodco, last post from Aira Euro
Hi there Im assessing a demo to see how I can incorporate capture into my workflow. I do all my design work in VW - but havent managed to successfully import lighting fixtures, apart from their geometric shapes as a DWG file. The fixtures show in the Fixtures window, but not in any of the Capture views. I successfully import a DWG from VW and I can see all the geomtery. I export fixtures via the "Export Instrument Data" command in VW. I then try to import this via the &quo...

1 Replies and 497 Views student edition 2018 or nexum
497 1 - Started by allofull, last post from allofull
I need an old capture relise to install on my 2011 imac. I&39;m looking for the 2018 or nexum in student version I&39;ve already asked the support team but they don&39;t have the installs to send me. there is someone in the forum who has installed them and wants to share them with me tks!
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