0 Replies and 899 Views
7.5° and 12° angle truss
899 0 - Started by alalal, last post from 2020-01-17 20:56
anyone have the files for the 7.5° and 12° truss for capture 2019 solo edition
2 Replies and 698 Views
Student Edition Limitations
698 2 - Started by Claus, last post from Claus
Hello there,
we (a parish in the Ruhr Area of germany) try to change from dot2onPC/GrandMAonPC to Onyx.
Onyx has no integrated 3D Visualizer, so I began to test Capture 2019 with the Student Edition.
I did this with the Introduction Tutorial.
At about 2:30 there is shown how to turn the light on in the live view.
I did so, but there is no light in my live view.
Is that a limitation to the Student Edition or a bug
The limititaion to a small set of fixtures is okay, but without anything to...
1 Replies and 542 Views
Deutsch Unterstützung?
542 1 - Started by Benny Benny, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hallo, Ich nutze jetzt auch capture und hätte ein paar Fragen. Leider ist mein Englisch sehr schlecht. Ist hier jemand der mir helfen kann. Danke Gruß Benny
2 Replies and 599 Views
599 2 - Started by natan budiman, last post from natan budiman
Why when I use windows, the size of the "distance" shown on the screen automatically becomes inch but if I use mac os the distance displayed is meter. Do you know why How do I change the size shown on the screen is a meter, either in Windows or Mac OS.
Thank you
2 Replies and 930 Views
930 2 - Started by LDit, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Is there a way to add watermark on a plot
1 Replies and 648 Views
Direct X 11.0 Graphic Card
648 1 - Started by Philipp Knieß, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I´ve been working with Capture Atlas since 2016. Now i want to upgrade to Capture 2019. I have a MacBook Pro Mid 2012 with a
Nvidia Geforce GT650M graphic card. Can i easily work with Capture 2019 and the old MacBook Pro, it´s a only a 11.0 graphic card
Best Wishes
1 Replies and 598 Views
Neon Felx support
598 1 - Started by omerbd, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I need to use Neon Flex on my visualizaiton.
Could not find it in the library.
How can I add one
Omer B.
2 Replies and 764 Views
Feature Request - Editable fixture properties
764 2 - Started by donkidonki, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
It would be a a very welcome feature to be able to alter some fixture properties from the library defaults.
Mainly orientation and home positions but other things like gobo rotation speed, etc. (have had some fixtures where gobo rotation is slow to fast in vis but fast to slow in real life)
The orientation one would be a huge bonus. Currently if I have a job rigged from a Capture plot and some of the real fixtures home/move differently to the plot then while I can alter the plot it wo...
1 Replies and 619 Views
second universe
619 1 - Started by rody0707, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
hello everyone
yesterday i have purchased the duet editen of capture. before that i had the sol edition. but now the second univere not wan&39;t want to give me any dmx output. i got a broadcast universe patchs in titan for the first and second universe. the first universe is doing great but the second i can&39;t get any dmx output out of that.
do some has a solution/
kind rody0707