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2 Replies and 1136 Views Featrure Request
1136 2 - Started by David Gibbons, last post from Lars Wernlund
This is a request for the website rather than the program. Would it be possible to add the date of the current Library Update to the download page Thanks David

1 Replies and 1167 Views Creating Fixtures
1167 1 - Started by Mozer92, last post from Alexander Joseph
How do you create custom fixtures. I am using a rig that has a lot of generic lights on it

2 Replies and 1312 Views Capture to Ma3D
1312 2 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Strobie
Hi. In looking to buy the software. A question I have is when you export from capture to ma3D, does it export the fixturemodels too or will they be imported as the standard default fixtures models in ma3D Thanks!

2 Replies and 1300 Views 2018 24.1.10 Installer
1300 2 - Started by Pavel, last post from Pavel
Hi! For some reason 24.1.13 installer asks for an older installer v.24.1.10 to uninstall a current version. Could someone share it please A screenshot of an error Thanks

5 Replies and 5782 Views Mirror objects
5782 5 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Lars Wernlund
Is there any way to 'mirror image' an object inside capture as not all objects are symmetrical Thanks, Zappa.

1 Replies and 1164 Views Capture 2018 & Nexum Solo differences
1164 1 - Started by nigelj, last post from Lars Wernlund
Can someone please tell me what the differences / improvements are between Nexum Solo and 2018 Solo.I want to know before I spend money upgrading.Thanks

1 Replies and 1270 Views Feature Request
1270 1 - Started by Zanpierre, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi there, I personnally would really appreciate to import the colour filters data from instrument data (w/import dwg) If it's already possible, just let me know ! I also actively searching the light stands and regular fan (wind breathe hurricane) Thanks a lot :)

1 Replies and 1263 Views Library For Custom RGB LED Strip
1263 1 - Started by kimwida, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi, I am using Avolites Titan and Capture for my own venue. Now I am trying to add some custome RGB LED strip and each LED eat 3 DMX. It's gonna be text box something. So which library should I use for

1 Replies and 1210 Views Request - Libary Info
1210 1 - Started by Mika_Aus, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi All... Could it be possible to see info about the selected items in library. I am looking at adding a led screen to a job and it would be good to know the details about the item. ie size and pixel pitch. The work around at the moment is adding to the scene and then looking at the selected items tab. I was thinking a right button click to look at an overview of sizes, weights. the same as the selected item tab. Or have it below the search bar. Just and idea that would help speed up selections.

2 Replies and 1346 Views Significant frame drop in file with many objects
1346 2 - Started by hbeach, last post from Lars Wernlund
I have noticed a huge performance drop in my files where I have many objects - whether it be 10-12 sketchup imports, several hundred LED video panel objects, or just building a venue or space with objects within Capture itself. With objects hidden I see a no dip in expected performance. Using the OpenGL engine (as to still utilize transparencies), Capture 2018, most recent update. My specs: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 GTX 1080Ti FE 16gb of Corsair Vengeance 3000mhz Samsung 970 Evo m.2 SSD 500gb The afore...
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