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2 Replies and 167 Views Beyond Projectionzones
167 2 - Started by Tom Lucas Kirschstein, last post from Tom Lucas Kirschstein
HI, I Try to map Lasers on Cubes. I want to realize my Mappin with the Projectinzone and Geometric settings in Beyond but the changes do not display in Capture. the size crop and transfom do no effekt. do I something wrong

5 Replies and 2393 Views Side by Side 3d
2393 5 - Started by schweitzer22, last post from MEDIAM
So I have been working with CApture for four years now...Love it so much. I had a dream the other night that I was cueing in Capture via a VR headset. Pretty awesome dream actually. I then noticed in the properties of my Live view that there is an option for side by side 3d, never noticed this in four years before. I searched and have found nothing about this. Can you use a VR headset or will you be able to in the future. Please tell me this may be a thing

3 Replies and 561 Views macOS Sanoma
561 3 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Lars Wernlund
Did the Capture developers beta test macOS Sanoma Is there anything Capture users shouldn’t aware of before upgrading I am especially interested if Mac users could benefit from the new Gaming mode while having a lighting console connected and using full screen live view. Anyone made the jump already I usually wait for a break between projects and until at least the .x1.x update.

3 Replies and 277 Views Capture Mobile question
277 3 - Started by Florian Baeumler, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi all, I have tried opening a file on a new ipad Pro 11&39; and Capture mobile crashes. Admittedly it is a rather large file, just under 1GB. Is there any guide on the size of a project, that is feasible to open in Capture mobile Thank you, Florian

1 Replies and 213 Views JDC1 NOT WORK
213 1 - Started by Nesmar Estiven Cepeda Medina, last post from shaunvitamins
Hi,  I would like know if anybody has probelm with JDC1 in mode SixPro 62Ch, for me the colors is in CMY and not RGB, i dont know why reason if you can help about this will be amazing. Thanks

2 Replies and 255 Views fixture library
255 2 - Started by muet, last post from Floriaan
Hi, I&39;ve tried to import a MVR file from wysiwyg. I cannot find some fixtures in Capture : Ayrton Nando Beam S6 // Prolight Arc Led 7361 Q Zoom // a mirror ball. How could i download these Is capture library is smallest than wyg Thank you for your answers R

5 Replies and 460 Views Working with different licenses of Capture
460 5 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Floriaan
We have multiple licences of Capture, some are Duet, one is Symphony. I experimented with creating a large show on the sinfony license, then opening the show on the duet licence, make a few changes and see what happens when you try to save the file. The result was a bit unexpected and from the warning message I could not fully understand the implications.  What I changed (in Duet): - I added measurements to the drawing, to show xy positions of some fixtures - I moved some fixtures ...

3 Replies and 1312 Views PSN PosiStageNet
1312 3 - Started by Jon, last post from Lars Wernlund
Is it possible to output PSN from Capture into the MA2 Reason I ask is for quick focus positions. Select the fixtures. Click on the location on Capture and the information could be sent to MA as a tracker. It wouldn't be prefect on a live stage (though I guess that depends on how accurate your model is) but would get you close for some quick cleaning up with the console encoders for preset creation during preprogramming. Maybe you already can but I haven;t found it just yet. Many thanks

7 Replies and 4495 Views A wish for Capture and the blind mode
4495 7 - Started by yegamusica, last post from Rainschn
Hello! I would like to say to you a wish that i hope for a long time now. I work with Lt LIght console, and sometimes i work with the blind mode in live show to correct or create some cue. It would be so useful, and wonderful if Capture could hold the possibility to receive dmx in blind mode. (I know there is 16 universes in blind mode too). So, create a cue in blind mode and see it in live when i want, it' s my wish but it's just a wish...

0 Replies and 342 Views Vectorworks file to convert into Capture
342 0 - Started by Lor Nov, last post from 2023-08-08 15:32
Hey team, I&39;ve been given a vectoreworks file but I&39;m using Capture 2022. Could someone convert this for me by any chance Happy to pay whatever is needed, I&39;m in a rush :-/
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