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3 Replies and 2563 Views Paperwork and Focus Info
2563 3 - Started by Modern Lights, last post from John S Nichter
I am sure it is in the settings but I would like to know two things One / in the paper work cant it note the focus of the light ( yes more for non movers) IE Light to focus on drums and so on Two / Placement of the light as to were it is on stage to be hung I know that circuit and patch are in but it would be nice if we can have a place to say light is to be set here outside of the plot IE Light to be placed on upstage truss top cord dwstage side

1 Replies and 1857 Views esame plot but plot result shifted
1857 1 - Started by Marco Tassinato, last post from Lars Wernlund
hi Guys ; i have this problem sometimes how i can resolve it

2 Replies and 2461 Views Virtual cameras
2461 2 - Started by donkidonki, last post from Lars Wernlund
I'm not sure if there is a current way of doing this, if not please consider this a feature request. Is it possible to set camera positions which can be sent internally to materials/screens within Capture Nexum If it is possible, how do you do it and what are the max number of live cameras supported for each level of Nexum (I'm on Quartet currently, will probably up that to Symphony before long)

1 Replies and 1684 Views Annotation Text Size
1684 1 - Started by askfrankie, last post from Lars Wernlund
Quick question. Can I change the text size on the annotations I have managed it for unit numbers but can't find a way for the address. It would be useful to be able to change the font and colour ect. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

1 Replies and 1942 Views Upgrade form Argo To Nexum
1942 1 - Started by GST Lighting Systems Inc., last post from luc-avl
I Have a problem whit this upgrade. i did the way that Support team tell me and im having problems i Download the file Nexum and wen i opened and i go to licensing and the install licenses Key, its given me an error it says. The key file has an invalid name. Any suggestions I may need to uninstall Argo Thank you in advance.

3 Replies and 2503 Views 3D Camera Dolly vs Zoom
2503 3 - Started by Christopher, last post from Christopher
Hello,I was wondering if there is a way to dolly (move in and out) the main camera in the 3D view. Right now my scroll wheel simply zooms the camera which can get annoying to use when I am moving around a lot. What tends to happen is I zoom in too much and then I cant really do much since the camera's frustum is so small. I would really like to have another shortcut (maybe shift scroll) to move the camera in and out instead of zooming the camera.As an added benefit it would be nice if my 3Dcon...

5 Replies and 4372 Views Turn off snapping to objects
4372 5 - Started by Judge, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Is there a way to do thi Cant find it - it is making it impossible to put free form objects and pipes onto plan as they keep trying to attach to things at angles. Thanks

1 Replies and 1622 Views draw a half circle screen
1622 1 - Started by Modern Lights, last post from John S Nichter
how do i draw a half circle screen in Argo

4 Replies and 2736 Views REQUEST - Projector Symbol
2736 4 - Started by Graham, last post from Graham
Hi There, In the symbols library. Is it possible for you to add a Projector Symbol just to make plots look a little more attractive

3 Replies and 2782 Views Fixture symbols in plot view
2782 3 - Started by Deleted User, last post from luc-avl
Hi everyone, I've just purchased a license and am getting to grips with things. I really like the plots and paperwork side of the software and this will be very useful to me for the work I do. However at the moment I'm noticing that certain fixtures I use - Chauvet Rogue R1 Wash and Colorband Pix for example - don't have the correct symbols when opening up the plot view (please see picture below). Am I doing something wrong or are the symbols simply not in the software If not am I able to load...
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