3 Replies and 1478 Views
Optimal hardware setup for best performance
1478 3 - Started by HAS, last post from Floriaan
Im building a new visualization studio and want to customize a PC to get the best performance in Capture. Ive tried searcing the forum and reading the manuals, but couldnt find any answer to what is the optimal PC-setup was, just minimum system requirements. Is Capture running best on Intel or Ryzen processors Nvidia or AMD for graphics
Could anyone here please share their experience
3 Replies and 370 Views
Grand MA2 funk
370 3 - Started by Jim Smagata, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hi. I am trying to both learn the MA2 and design a show. I have the Symphony version. The patch is done and is spread out over 15 universes.
And right off the bat, I rented a command wing so I could have output. That was pretty clear from the forums and tutorial. This gives me enough parameters to do the show.
Here is the funk. Setting up the network with MA on pc, the adresses match, the little boxes are green that should be green, and Capture sees the MA2 iin the universes tab. I sh...
2 Replies and 257 Views
music instruments
257 2 - Started by paul grilj, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
good morning!
i just started with capture and i have a question - i need music instruments which are not in the library - for example i need a tuba, a basedrumm, a trumpet, cymbal...
is there a way to import them
thanks in andvance
1 Replies and 260 Views
How do I buy an upgrade to 2023?
260 1 - Started by IRuxton, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Maybe I&39;m being dumb (very very possible!), but the webshop only has whiole new licences on it I want to upgrade my Symphony licence to 2023... but can&39;t see how
Take my money!
6 Replies and 1283 Views
Astera Tubes Throw Light?
1283 6 - Started by supermodified, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Was working on a pre-viz for a TV commerical, using Astera Titan Tubes to create some animated lighting effects on soccer balls and shoes. I&39;ve got the Astera Tubes patched in, and they are controlled by my programming in Onyx as expected, they light up. But they do not seem to cast light onto objects I used a Sphere Hull extended to make a ball, and also imported a sketchup model of a soccer ball. My other instruments light these objects, but the Astera Tubes don&39;t cast light onto them...
6 Replies and 1148 Views
How do you remove the ambient lighting and get an accurate blackout?
1148 6 - Started by Ben Garcia, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I&39;m pretty new to Capture and am currently trying to setup a visualisers alongside eachother to make some comparisons between them. The first issue I&39;ve run into is that I cannot get what feels like an accurate blackout. The whole stage is washed in a dull ambient light. How do I get around this and get more accurate lighting
I&39;m using the ETC Mind The Gap showfile.
6 Replies and 3426 Views
Feature request - ignore smoke
3426 6 - Started by Strobie, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi, It would be cool if we could set some fixtures to not be effected by smoke. this would be handy when visualizing fixtures like atomic strobes
7 Replies and 5765 Views
REquest: Layer sets
5765 7 - Started by SoMidwest, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
If I set a layer to be invisible in a layer set, why does the geometry still block light Though the object is not visible
Let me know if I am setting something wrong! I'm just turing on and off the layer in the set, not messing with the 'affects light' setting.
1 Replies and 288 Views
Universe Crossover
288 1 - Started by Yannik, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
is it possible to crossover universes
i want to buy the solo-edition and i work in my location with ETC Eos/Nomad, i need max. 512 channels but it&39;s splitted in 2 or 3 universes, for example:
100 Channels in Universe 1
300 Channels in Universe 2
112 Channels in Universe 3
is this generally possible in capture
Is the restriction just 1 closed Universe or just max. 512 Channel independently the universe Nr.
Thank You