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1 Replies and 1881 Views Source 4 as a Followspot
1881 1 - Started by Andrew Zebroski, last post from Lars Wernlund
I am using two Source 4 units as follow spots in an upcoming production. Do I include them in 'scenes' to change the focus for each scene

1 Replies and 1853 Views Feature request - Plot etc template export
1853 1 - Started by kyrrelys, last post from Lars Wernlund
Would be great to have the option to save and load plot styles, plots, layer sets, layers, materials, reports etc. K

1 Replies and 1747 Views take dater from capture back to c4d and stage plugin?
1747 1 - Started by robertw, last post from Lars Wernlund
hi is there a way to take dater form capture back to c4d and stage plugin I know with the new version you can take it from c4d to capture.

1 Replies and 1872 Views Ma2 lite
1872 1 - Started by Strobie, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hey guys, is ma net supported if I have an ma 2 light Or do I just run art net

2 Replies and 2459 Views Video player feature request.
2459 2 - Started by Strobie, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi guys, I'd like to request that intensity be added to dmx control of video players. At the moment if I select a video in capture via dmx it will play. But when I kill the dmx, the videocontinues to play unless a stop command is issued. It I give the dmx a value for stop, the video holds its last frame. You can see how this could be a problem when trying to playback a time code show for example which features a moment where video is on, then off.

1 Replies and 2060 Views plots and lists
2060 1 - Started by Jimmy Ström, last post from Lars Wernlund
I have used capture for a while now and I really like it. I am use it manley to make drawings and lists, but I run occasionally on things that I would like to do but I cant today, maybe because there is no function for it or because I have not found it .. I would like to be able to changes the layout of CH and Pach part.for each lamp to make the plot better and I would also like to be able to assigna lamps to a specefic LX to find out for exampel the weight of an LX. And in my lsit be abel...

1 Replies and 2012 Views Paypal as payment?
2012 1 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Lars Wernlund
Asked this Via email long Time ago and answer was 'soon available' and this was few years ago.So Any news about this

5 Replies and 4890 Views Capture Polar Demo Project.
4890 5 - Started by pitwipe, last post from pitwipe
Greetings, For the short term I'm testing with the older Capture Polar version on a 32 bit machine. The demo projects on the main page are only compatible with Capture Atlas. Does anyone have the original demo files for Polar I've reached out to support but they do not have any archived versions. Thanks, Steve.

1 Replies and 2079 Views Request: Free-Flight keyboard shortcut (XY navigation, navigator)
2079 1 - Started by Erez Makavy, last post from SuperUser Account
Wouldn't it be great if there was a keyboard shortcut, that when pressed, then dragging on the view will do a 'Free-Flight' (instead of opening a selection rectangle). that is to avoid having to go with the mouse to the 'Currved Arrows' icon every time I want to move (free-flight) a little.

2 Replies and 2536 Views optimizing renders in capture atlas
2536 2 - Started by Haakon930, last post from John S Nichter
Hi, I just updated to capture atlas from polar, and was looking forward to see a huge improvment on the graphics in the renders (still and video), but no matter what i try it does not come near what i can see on the stills online. the truss looks like it has been in polar etc etc. even on a computer setup capable of high end gaming in 4K resolution.. what am I doing wrong Best regards Haakon
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