1 Replies and 2024 Views
Upgrade Keys
2024 1 - Started by Graham, last post from Vangelis Manolis
I just bought a upgrade from Argo Extended to Atlas Symphony. With Argo you got 2 lisences but on the upgrade I've only been given one. does that mean i need to buy another upgrade to do both licenses
1 Replies and 2506 Views
Feature Request - Extrude Lines in DWG files
2506 1 - Started by Graham, last post from Marco Vitale
Its would be great if when importing DWG or any cad files into Capture, that you could give that line a height making it into a surface. Would make building Venues so much easier.
If anybody has any tips about this that would be ace.
1 Replies and 2051 Views
Purchasing Question
2051 1 - Started by Chiado35, last post from Vangelis Manolis
I am in the United States and Obviously do not use Euro.
My question would be, how exactly would the online transaction work using the US dollar (around $420.00 for solo) if I were to charge 395.00 Euro to my company card, how does the currency exchange take place
3 Replies and 3230 Views
Dmx universe
3230 3 - Started by Chiado35, last post from Chiado35
Hello all,
can anyone tell me if atlas solo will let me use both universes of my ETC smartfade ML. Atlas solo says it only has 1 dmx universe does this include external universe. I do not intend on running lights with this software only programming preshow.
Thanks for the help
0 Replies and 2248 Views
Laser Software Mac OSX
2248 0 - Started by Johannes Glöde, last post from 2017-01-19 08:41
Hello everyone,
is there a free software for Mac to control laser in Capture
Or is it possible to add a Media to a laser I just can see the white test card.
Best and thanks Johannes
4 Replies and 3363 Views
Plot Question
3363 4 - Started by Michael Lee, last post from Michael Lee
Hi there,
I have replaced symbols for the final paperwork plot but when I insert a symbol key it has the original symbols. How do I update this so it matches the plotted symbols
1 Replies and 2220 Views
AVO Argo Atlas
2220 1 - Started by Modern Lights, last post from Lars Wernlund
So we have just received our new Avo Quartz Desk with Capture Atlas in it, however we own only Argo in Capture. Can we draw a show in Argo and load it into the Avo Desk for our use.
Thank You
Paul Rosinsky
Modern Lights LLC
1 Replies and 1912 Views
Feature requests
1912 1 - Started by Strobie, last post from Lars Wernlund
I notice that full screen mode is only an option on my mackbook. It would be great if this was a feature that was on all platforms.
also, there should be an option to hide the navigator and all other on screen menus when performing previs tasks