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3 Replies and 4657 Views fixture exchange
4657 3 - Started by markusrathmair, last post from zach
Hi everyone, I'm in search of a function to exchange fixtures which are already in my visualisation into other fixtures.e.g. I have clay paky QWO800 in my file and have to change all fixtures into clay Paky Profile 800. Deleting the QWOs and importing the Profile800 is a bit painful when having 100 fixtures. best regards markus

1 Replies and 3851 Views Oh yeah...
3851 1 - Started by hedlite56, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Thanks for all the great support over the past year. You guys are the best.

1 Replies and 3946 Views Moving Mirror fixtures
3946 1 - Started by hedlite56, last post from Lars Wernlund
Looking forward to the Argo version. Just curious, will it be able to support moving mirror fixtures or accessories I know this has been a very difficult thing to do in the past and am hoping that, with the new version, I will be able to accurately represent the use of my Rosco I-Ques.

3 Replies and 3186 Views CSV export - Import
3186 3 - Started by Sivert Lundstrøm, last post from Lars Wernlund
Playing around with the CSV import export in Capture, but nothing is changing in my Capture drawing. Are there some tricks

1 Replies and 2854 Views Shortcut to deselect?
2854 1 - Started by Clayton Hibbert, last post from Clayton Hibbert
Hello! A very basic question from a new Capture user: Is there a keyboard shortcut to 'deselect all' or to deselect a given object Thanks!

2 Replies and 3213 Views drawing fixture arc line distribute
3213 2 - Started by lologustin, last post from lologustin
Hi all, i search simply way to arrange fixtures in arc line with parameters like 'numbers of copy/ angle Radius /base orientation angle per fixture' somebody know how to make that in Capture Polar thanks for help Lologustin

3 Replies and 3469 Views Page Setup for Reports
3469 3 - Started by Ian Harding, last post from roeland22896
Is there any way to change the Page Setup for the Reports to allow the layout to be changed for Landscape print Ian

1 Replies and 2761 Views Keyboard Shortcut
2761 1 - Started by Shaun, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi, Is there a keyboard shortcut to change a scene. Forward and backwards If there isn't could this maybe be included in a future release Thanks Shaun

2 Replies and 3124 Views Plots
3124 2 - Started by Jon, last post from Lars Wernlund
I have made some plots in the past and had to save them/print them straight away due to view changes. is there a way, or could it be added, that once you create a plot and use the paper view to customise the symbols etc that I could then lock as one plot and any modifications I do in the paper view wouldn't affect that plot Then i could create several custom views/plots without on affecting the other.

1 Replies and 2787 Views Motion Controllers
2787 1 - Started by AhClem, last post from Lars Wernlund
Are the 'DMX Rotator' and 'DMX Mover' motion controller capabilities included in all Editions of Capture Polar
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