1 Replies and 1940 Views
Measures in feet please
1940 1 - Started by Simon Horn, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Its really frustrating me that It only seems I display distance measures in metric, I really could do with a imperial option. For example when dealing with 40 foot trusses or 8x4 stage decks its a bit embarrassing to send plots out with distance measures that say things like 12m 192mm rather than 40'
Am I missing a setting somewhere and if not can you implement this
2 Replies and 2247 Views
Store Window adjustment
2247 2 - Started by Event-Corp, last post from Event-Corp
I'm working with 3 Screens and I would be great when my view setting will be stored in the projekt that I don't have to do it everytime again when I open the file. Is this possible
Greetings and thanks for all!
1 Replies and 1924 Views
1924 1 - Started by mo, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hi !
first : sorry for my english ...
i would like to know if it's possible to do scaffolding in capture sweden
in the same manner as the truss.
thank a lot
4 Replies and 3406 Views
archive 3d
3406 4 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Lars Wernlund
Is it possible to record on Capture, cue in 3D and focus by fixture like Wysiwyg (look).
It's necessery for us to have a archive about a show in 3D; cues and focus fixture.
Is it possible
How can I do that
0 Replies and 2134 Views
recording photos cues from control desk
2134 0 - Started by Deleted User, last post from 2013-09-15 15:19
Pouvez vous me dire si on peut cr&233;er des m&233;moires sur Capture
Comment cela est g&233;r&233; Peut on les nommer
Si je poss&232;de une conduite sur un pupitre Freedom et que celle ci est visible sur Capture.
Comment capturer l’&233;cran du visualiser et de faire une image par m&233;moire pour archivage de m&233;moires
Est ce possible de faire des captures via le visualiser pour les diff&233;rentes positions de projecteur automatique
Merci d'avance
1 Replies and 2012 Views
2012 1 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Lars Wernlund
Is there an easy way to add gels to fixtures instead of dragging and dropping them in the lights
3 Replies and 3605 Views
New Capture user needs help
3605 3 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Iv just this second recently brought capture, iv used the demo a couple of times was wandering if i can get help with a couple of things
1: can i change the one of the views to show white as the background so i can see things more clearly
2. iv got a all the sizes of the stage im using this for, how can i draw this stage to scale in capture