3 Replies and 3213 Views
Strand 500 series compatability
3213 3 - Started by westcombe, last post from westcombe
Hi Folks I would like to ask if any one has used capture with strand desks specifically the strand 530i. Now as i understand it capture does not directly support show net. So can i run Show2Art to convert shownet to artnet on the machine im running capture on and will capture then be able to pick up on the artnet and start doing its thing If this is possable then i will buy the extended version asap.D Westcombe
3 Replies and 3316 Views
Which layer is on top of which?
3316 3 - Started by Colin Wood, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hello,Is it possible to give different layers 'on top' priority Like a 'bring to top' option.For example, I have just drawn my orchestra which is obviously underneath my lighting rig, and yet it is now covering my lights on the CAD plan. Is there a way to make my lights cover the orchestra If not...v2.9 :-)CheersColin
5 Replies and 5455 Views
MEASURES on polar?
5455 5 - Started by giancarlo, last post from Colin Wood
Hi to all very new user so for sure a very silly question!
I am noticing that if i insert a measure it come up with a standard 2mt, but the question is but polar does not calculate automaticly a point to point
I mean if i have a 6 mt truss,and from the library i drag in measures ,is there a command to say from this point of this truss to another point of the same truss calculate the distance
Or if I lay down the measure in correspondance of the truss ,is there a way to see my measure seach...
2 Replies and 2925 Views
Flip Pan & Tilt
2925 2 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Deleted User
I have 16 Elation Design Spot 575Es and two of them are giving me some trouble in capture. I think the crew may have put them on the bars the incorrect way, as in Capture, the pan is flipped. How do I flip the pan in capture so they display correctly.
3 Replies and 3408 Views
LED strip single colour
3408 3 - Started by Nick Malbon, last post from Linwood
I need to create a fixture or object that is 1m long and is a single colour. It only needs intensity control from DMX.
Is there a simple way off doing this
I need blue and white!
0 Replies and 2786 Views
crash show file
2786 0 - Started by giancarlo, last post from 2012-05-22 13:14
Hi to all where can i send a created show file that is crashing the programm
I have created a stage with polar 3d student version everything was ok! but after i was trying the clone feature i got a problem with the gamma window
It's looking like i have cloned a lot of trusses and grafical card is blocked ,but in reality there are not any trusses visible
1 Replies and 2956 Views
Animation wheels
2956 1 - Started by Colin Wood, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hello,I know that animation wheels can now be simulated, but does Capture have any stock discs hidden away that I can add to my Mac 700 fixtures The fixture has nothing added to the animation wheel box at the moment. Many thanksColin
2 Replies and 2844 Views
Random strobe?
2844 2 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Deleted User
This may have been covered before, but the search function didn't give me any help.
Is there any way to visualize 'random strobe' on fixtures I have tried with a couple of consoles but I only get the fixtures to strobe at the same speed...
1 Replies and 2606 Views
Capture for iPad?
2606 1 - Started by stagedude, last post from Lars Wernlund
So I was wondering if you have given any thoughts about creating an iPad version of Capture. It wouldn't need to be anything like the full version maybe just be able to make a 2d plot. Or see one view at a time and switch between them. Live view would not be needed. It would be great to be able to grab some fixtures from the library and arrange and rotate them. Then be able to sync that up with Capture on my computer. What do you think