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1 Replies and 431 Views Manual
431 1 - Started by Andy, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Is there an actual manual for Capture or just a reference doc

1 Replies and 316 Views Truss length adjust
316 1 - Started by Andy, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I am needing some stands for Moving heads. I need to us a Truss section for this but am unable to adjust the height - how can I do this please

1 Replies and 333 Views Report texte size
333 1 - Started by MIGNON MARTIN, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi everyone,  Is it possible to change the size or the font in reports Thank&39;s Martin M.

1 Replies and 387 Views Capture library
387 1 - Started by James, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I have recently downloaded the student edition of Capture as I wish to work on my lighting design from home since I can&39;t go to university because of lockdown. I have downloaded the library package and restarted the application but the library still has no fixtures. Is there an extra step I need to take to get all the fixtures or do I need the full version to have more access to more fixtures 

1 Replies and 359 Views paolo
359 1 - Started by paolo, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
salve avrei bisogno di alcune fixture personalizzate, come è possibile modificarle

3 Replies and 517 Views Interactive size adjust on forms
517 3 - Started by Soren, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
How to adjust size of a form with the mouse So i can drag the size over the floorplan and draw etc a wall og something else.

2 Replies and 392 Views Rotate forms
392 2 - Started by Soren, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi Capture Forum I have 10 forms set up as I want, in a form of a smiley. Then I need to copy that at re arange it with another angle. How to to that Best regards Soren 

4 Replies and 444 Views Filtering by position
444 4 - Started by MIGNON MARTIN, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
It would be nice to be able to filtering by position in the light plot edition to export a plot with only floor fixture&39;s or pipes fixture&39;s, LX1 fixture&39;s ...  

4 Replies and 477 Views Print Plot or report date
477 4 - Started by MIGNON MARTIN, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Is there any way to add the printing date on any document   This way, if there is several export, the date on allow you to know witch one is the last.  

0 Replies and 509 Views Capture student
509 0 - Started by NAUDON, last post from 2021-06-27 13:05
Bonjour,  I&39;m searching for a student version for mas 0S 10.14. i can&39;t update my system anymore.Quelqu&39;un aurais gardé une version plus ancienne Je suis en galère. J&39;ai demandé directement au contact de Cpature, mais ils ne peuvent me l&39;obtenir et me demande de demander sur le forum. Merci par avance de votre aide et désolée, je ne parle pas anglais. Merciiii
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