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5 Replies and 8105 Views No Saving
8105 5 - Started by Joe Sheppard, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi,I cant seem to be able to save with my copy of Capture Bluelite edition. Is this a security/activition issueCheers,

5 Replies and 9121 Views Shutter/barndoor
9121 5 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi guys There are some old threads from 2007 about shutter and barndoors. Are there a barndoor and shutter function caus then i can't find'em. Would be nice to have. Hobe to hear from you Anchor

1 Replies and 3366 Views LightFactory Console Edition
3366 1 - Started by Onge, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi, On the 'Console Edition' downloads page it says that the current version for the LightFactory Edition is 2.0.34 which is newer than the version I have 2.0.24. When I get the download it is 2.0.24 !!!! Is that just a mistake on the website I am I tied to the version that I have or will I get updates when they are available. Many thanks Andr&233;

3 Replies and 5047 Views printing a plot
5047 3 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Lars Wernlund
every thime i wont to print a plot it only comes on half a page and not on the full A4 size. On my screen preview it all seems normal. I can print correctly in any other program on my pc.

1 Replies and 4097 Views Mediaservers in Polar
4097 1 - Started by koenv, last post from Lars Wernlund
Which media servers work on this time with Capture Polar I know that Arkaos is one of them but i look for annother program. So we can see the video in the live view. Kind Regards

10 Replies and 15609 Views Capture Polar
15609 10 - Started by Andreas Lundqvist
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
, last post from mmaraa
Wonderful! Can&180;t wait! Will this change how lit objects reflect light Images with a spot on them. Imported objects etc.

1 Replies and 4292 Views Education Version
4292 1 - Started by Hendrik Walther, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi! Is there an educational version from capture available What are the costs Thanks Hendrik

2 Replies and 4340 Views hanging martin TW1
4340 2 - Started by Chris, last post from Paul
Hi Capture team, I'm using capture in two recent shows, ' le secret' and 'live from broadway', patching and hanging the Martin Mac TW1 and Martin Mac 700 profile controlled with a Whole Hog II. When hanging any moving head in capture, the 'red panel' is normally showing the 'setting panel' of the fixture and permits you to have the 'front' in the desired direction. It seems it's not true for the TW1 : when you want the 'front' facing the public on a stage, the 'red panel' should be on the lef...

1 Replies and 3926 Views Diff between Console edition and other versions
3926 1 - Started by sjlane, last post from Lars Wernlund
Stephen Lane wrote: I am wondering what the difference is between the console edition & the other versions Regards Stephen Lane Apollo Lighting

1 Replies and 4614 Views Focus Sheets?
4614 1 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi Im currently running Basic Edition and have seen an added menu. Focus Sheets. I see its an extended edition feature but Im wondering what the results are like. Ive looked on the site and cant see what its produces. Any chance of putting a screenshot of a exported focus sheet so I can see if its worth me looking to upgrade. Cheers Mic P.S. These are no screenshots of what Capture looks like on this site or what it can produce. Maybe a section for forum members to upload scre...
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