4 Replies and 3629 Views
Moving Head Orientation?
3629 4 - Started by Arnold Huebner, last post from Floriaan
Hi Guys, I'm quite new to Capture and I have a general question: How do I get the right orientation for moving heads (according to the real world) Is the model's display in Capture at the same position as at the real fixture
Some moving heads - such as Martin devices - have a frontside mark. When I place fixtures in Capture with xyz-rotation 0&176;/0&176;/0&176; where would be this dedicated frontside
- Thanks a lot!
3 Replies and 133 Views
hexagonal beams
133 3 - Started by joble, last post from joble
I’ve been using the ETC Desire Fresnel LUSTR X8 fixtures for a while in a Capture design, and everything has been working fine up until now.
However, recently I’ve noticed that the light beams of those ETC&39;s are no longer round, but instead have a hexagonal shape at maximum zoom. When a small bundle is set, capture shows several overlapping circles.
Other fixtures, like the ETC Fos/4 Fresnel Lustr X8 (which is very similar to the Desire), don&39;t have this problem.
7 Replies and 2377 Views
Lights through gauzes and drapes
2377 7 - Started by Mark Powell, last post from Floriaan
Hi all, I wonder if you can help:
I want to have a drape that light shines through, like a sharkstooth gauze. I have added a drape to my drawing and set transparency to anything from 50 to 90 but the light beams do not shine through it, they just light up the back side.
Is there a way of doing this
What Im trying to achieve is to have lights concealed behind the gauze and only revealed when they shine through it.
Many thanks in advance.
1 Replies and 78 Views
importing Sketchup Model
78 1 - Started by mdwaites, last post from Floriaan
Hi, I have a 2021 version solo. I have sketchup files that i want to import but the files are greyed out when i try to do so. doesnt anyone know how to fix this
1 Replies and 235 Views
Importing problems
235 1 - Started by Gualicho, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi all.
I´m experiencing come problems trying to import models from pdf´s documents.
I use to do it quit often, but since 1 week or so, it is not working to me, even with pdf generated from Capture.
Any tip
TIA, Lívory.-
3 Replies and 1172 Views
Labels or Sticky Notes
1172 3 - Started by John, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hello Capture,
Apologies if this is already implemented. Is there any way to add a quick note, label, or comment on the plot without going into the plot edit For example, I added a bunch of road cases to a scene to show how much retrograde storage was needed. The only way to label each road case was to edit a name in Acrobat and then import them and add them to the case. Would be very convienant to just add a label to a form or object in the workspace.
2 Replies and 296 Views
Capture SOLO License
296 2 - Started by Rafa3685, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hello everyone, a rather silly question, but I&39;m going to ask it anyway.
If I buy a SOLO licence, I&39;ll only have one universe if I&39;ve understood correctly
1 Replies and 123 Views
Windows on ARM/Snapdragon compatibility
123 1 - Started by Phoneeko, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hello, is there official information regarding compatibility with the new Snapdragon ARM processors used in the newest windows laptops I&39;m assuming the application should run/be sufficiently usable in 486 emulation mode, but before buying new hardware i would like to know if this has been tested and if there is a timeline for a native windows/ARM version. Cheers!
2 Replies and 181 Views
MVR version 1.8 support
181 2 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Floriaan
Capture supports MVR version 1.4 and imports all data. I noticed ETC Eos adopted MVR version 1.8 in their latest software update. Will Capture continue to improve its MVR support I hope this is the case as I am seeing a lot of advantages in my workflow.