1 Replies and 2617 Views
Low refresh rates over time & Transparency
2617 1 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi I have been having some issues with Capture Polar running on different hardware (to see if it was specific to one machine or OS). I have a fairly simple rig consisting of over 40 LED fixtures with and some moving lights.When I start Capture up, the rig responds as it should and I am able to freely navigate in the 3d space. However over time, the refresh rate drops to what looks like 1fps and its almost impossible to navigate in Live mode. I current have to switch to CAD view to position the c...
1 Replies and 2375 Views
No Connection between Capture & Clarity on Mac or PC
2375 1 - Started by woody, last post from Vangelis Manolis
I've created my box, added fixtures, patched them to Capture Universe, ArtNet is on Univers 1 0 Subnet. In Clarity I have 4 Martin MAC 250 Entour's patched with Universe A and ArtNet Universe 1 and run a simple 3 step cue. I see nothing. Granted, I'm new at this. But I've read every forum thread related to this situation, watched every tutorial video, read both manuals and still nothing. I'm registered with Clarity and Capture. I've tried the exact same thing on a PC (with the loopback ...
1 Replies and 2922 Views
Trussing Corners are displayed strangely
2922 1 - Started by desolation, last post from Lars Wernlund
I am trying to build a construction with Global Truss box trussing F34 (same problem with Eurotruss)
However, the boxcorners or 3/4-way corners seem to be about at least double the size of the trussing itself, so it does not really match
Is there any way to solve this
Best regards
4 Replies and 5177 Views
not able to change PDF size in OS X
5177 4 - Started by Lauri Sirén, last post from Lars Wernlund
I'm having a problem when printing plots from Capture Polar as PDF's in OS X Snow Leopard. It seems that changing the capture page settings does not affect the PDF output - the plot seems to be correct in Capture, but the saved PDF is always sized as portrait A4 showing only part of the plot (the plots are landscape A3s).
Is this a problem somewhere between Capture and the OS X print system or am I just missing a setting somewhere
5 Replies and 7713 Views
plots and pdf
7713 5 - Started by matt, last post from Lars Wernlund
Can anyone tell me how to make objects like stages, measures and screens readable when saving a plot as a .pdf, trying to send off readable plots to my production manager any tips would be very welcome
7 Replies and 10706 Views
chamsys magic q & capture on mac
10706 7 - Started by mns22, last post from Lars Wernlund
I'm having troubles connecting the magic q desktop mac to the capture polar.
I have set up the loop up on the magic q but can't work out where to alter the settings to allow the loop up in capture. I have tried Tools, Options but it has made no difference.
Any help would be great,
6 Replies and 9615 Views
Enttec Pro USB on Mac OSX
9615 6 - Started by Jon, last post from Lars Wernlund
I'm having trouble with my Enttec USB Pro unit on my Mac.
Chamsys finds it to output DMX but Capture can not see it.
I've reinstalled the drivers but still Capture cannot see it.
Any ideas
1 Replies and 4639 Views
Problem installing new fixture library
4639 1 - Started by Colin Wood, last post from Vangelis Manolis
I am running Capture v2.3.7 with Windows XP.
I have recently been in touch with Vangelis to make some small amendments to some fixtures. The first time, I was contacted to say that the new file was ready and I downloaded the library file, installed it and it worked fine. When I loaded my show after the install, a box opened to ask me if I wanted to update the amended fixtures. Success!
I have since asked Vangelis to make some more changes. We have been through the exact same ...