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1 Replies and 181 Views Plot oder in windows version
181 1 - Started by apipurich amornwarang, last post from Lars Wernlund
hi In Windows version, when exporting pdf, Plots doesn&39;t sort the pages as set in Plots windows (design tab)

1 Replies and 202 Views Water jet
202 1 - Started by MEDIAM, last post from Lars Wernlund
i have find a problem with water jet diameter, if is 8 m high and bigger than 12cm cant see corectyly the visualisation what is wrong from my side

1 Replies and 216 Views Group objects with the same layer
216 1 - Started by ahalpuh, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi If you group two objects with the same layer assigned, the layer of the grouped object becomes &39;mixed values&39;. Is this expected behaviour Version: Capture 2023.0.22

3 Replies and 988 Views Import side view dwg
988 3 - Started by Tim Mitchell, last post from martinp
Hi, I am trying to import a 2D side-view of a theatre as DWG to give me the dimensions for making a basic model of the space in Capture. However the DWG always imports as if it was a plan view. Is there a way to get Capture to import it as a side view

1 Replies and 197 Views Empty Frame List
197 1 - Started by Keven Dubois, last post from Keven Dubois
Hi, Maybe I&39;m doing something different, but since the last update, each time I create a Frame List Report I got a blank report with no Data. In fact, only the header is visible. I tried with a new project and I get the same problem. Am I the only one dealing with this issue  I&39;m on Capture Version 2023.0.24 Thanks! 

1 Replies and 198 Views Upgrade Qaurtet to Symphony - Still cant get more than 4 Universes
198 1 - Started by Toll, last post from martinp
Hi all, Have just upgraded to Symphony from Quartet. Original Model build in Quartet 2022 Updated to Capture 2023 Opened model in 2023 - accepted that it cant go back to 2022 Worked with Model in 2023 quartet Upgraded to Symphony ..... Still cannot patch more that 4 universes. Any help would be appreciated Thanks Toll

3 Replies and 204 Views Open Project Error
204 3 - Started by Daniel Nicholls, last post from Victor Perrin
Hi all. I am having a problem opening a project that up until yesterday was working fine.  When I try to launch it i&39;m getting an error which reads " An internal error occured" with no other information.  Only this project is affected and I&39;m on the latest version of the software. Please help as this has already been a very long process getting this project to this point. 

3 Replies and 304 Views Multiple Captures and MagicQs on same network
304 3 - Started by Joonas, last post from Joonas
First of all, you might want to update page having the information about CITP to reflect changes on site and in particular the information at the page (shortly put: update the links to point to new location and remove the mention about the forum and so forth, Lars seems to be last commiter on github). The question: multiple Captures running on a same network, along wit...

6 Replies and 358 Views Frozen Screen Whilst Recording Snapshot 2023
358 6 - Started by MCTT, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi, since updgrading to Capture 2023, whenever I start recording a snapshot my views freeze making it impossible to record a snapshot. I am connected to EOS and the playback is perfect but as soon as I try to record anything the views freeze, and then as soon as I stop recording the views come back.  Is anyone else experiencing this Thanks.

1 Replies and 190 Views Eos 3.1 - Eos console link
190 1 - Started by Colby Freel, last post from Floriaan
In the past, I have relied on the Eos console link to allow two-way communication between Eos and Capture. Specifically, I used the Eos console link in Capture, and I believe the communication was through CITP. But in Eos 3.1, there does not seem to be an option to enable CITP. Since upgrading to Eos 3.1, I have not been able to have two-way communication between Capture and Eos. Has anyone else encountered this Is there something I&39;m missing Thanks!
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