1 Replies and 202 Views
Water jet
202 1 - Started by MEDIAM, last post from Lars Wernlund
i have find a problem with water jet diameter, if is 8 m high and bigger than 12cm cant see corectyly the visualisation what is wrong from my side
1 Replies and 216 Views
Group objects with the same layer
216 1 - Started by ahalpuh, last post from Lars Wernlund
If you group two objects with the same layer assigned, the layer of the grouped object becomes &39;mixed values&39;. Is this expected behaviour
Version: Capture 2023.0.22
3 Replies and 988 Views
Import side view dwg
988 3 - Started by Tim Mitchell, last post from martinp
Hi, I am trying to import a 2D side-view of a theatre as DWG to give me the dimensions for making a basic model of the space in Capture. However the DWG always imports as if it was a plan view. Is there a way to get Capture to import it as a side view
1 Replies and 197 Views
Empty Frame List
197 1 - Started by Keven Dubois, last post from Keven Dubois
Maybe I&39;m doing something different, but since the last update, each time I create a Frame List Report I got a blank report with no Data. In fact, only the header is visible. I tried with a new project and I get the same problem. Am I the only one dealing with this issue
I&39;m on Capture Version 2023.0.24
1 Replies and 198 Views
Upgrade Qaurtet to Symphony - Still cant get more than 4 Universes
198 1 - Started by Toll, last post from martinp
Hi all,
Have just upgraded to Symphony from Quartet.
Original Model build in Quartet 2022
Updated to Capture 2023
Opened model in 2023 - accepted that it cant go back to 2022
Worked with Model in 2023 quartet
Upgraded to Symphony
..... Still cannot patch more that 4 universes.
Any help would be appreciated
3 Replies and 204 Views
Open Project Error
204 3 - Started by Daniel Nicholls, last post from Victor Perrin
Hi all.
I am having a problem opening a project that up until yesterday was working fine.
When I try to launch it i&39;m getting an error which reads " An internal error occured" with no other information.
Only this project is affected and I&39;m on the latest version of the software.
Please help as this has already been a very long process getting this project to this point.
3 Replies and 304 Views
Multiple Captures and MagicQs on same network
304 3 - Started by Joonas, last post from Joonas
First of all, you might want to update page https://www.capture.se/Support/Developers having the information about CITP to reflect changes on http://www.citp-protocol.org/ site and in particular the information at the page https://www.lewlight.com/citp-protocol (shortly put: update the links to point to new location and remove the mention about the forum and so forth, Lars seems to be last commiter on github).
The question: multiple Captures running on a same network, along wit...
6 Replies and 358 Views
Frozen Screen Whilst Recording Snapshot 2023
358 6 - Started by MCTT, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi, since updgrading to Capture 2023, whenever I start recording a snapshot my views freeze making it impossible to record a snapshot. I am connected to EOS and the playback is perfect but as soon as I try to record anything the views freeze, and then as soon as I stop recording the views come back.
Is anyone else experiencing this
1 Replies and 190 Views
Eos 3.1 - Eos console link
190 1 - Started by Colby Freel, last post from Floriaan
In the past, I have relied on the Eos console link to allow two-way communication between Eos and Capture. Specifically, I used the Eos console link in Capture, and I believe the communication was through CITP. But in Eos 3.1, there does not seem to be an option to enable CITP. Since upgrading to Eos 3.1, I have not been able to have two-way communication between Capture and Eos. Has anyone else encountered this Is there something I&39;m missing