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0 Replies and 2399 Views Capture and MQ PC on same PC
2399 0 - Started by Uris, last post from 2022-07-07 14:23
Hi, After updating 2022.0.25 MQ PC soft cant see Capture and vice versa...  Anybody have same issue 

1 Replies and 948 Views Object in two postitions at once
948 1 - Started by isakwang, last post from isakwang
Hello Im creating a stage in but parts of it are in different positions in frame/edit view and plot export. Is there a different solution to this than just deleting that part and remaking it I did quite a bit of the creation in edit mode rather than wireframe mode so it might be that but would be nice to know. Images below Wireframe Plot

0 Replies and 2410 Views Draging fixtures from Onyx into capture 2022
2410 0 - Started by giancarlo, last post from 2022-07-02 09:29
Hi to all ,I have created a tiny patch in Onyx, and then opend capture 2022 and dragged the fixtures into Captures patch,but how you can see, the "MODE" is completely wrong! both softwares have the latest library.Please can you verify this Thanx         = )

5 Replies and 955 Views Missing Color Picker in Layer Tab
955 5 - Started by Leroy Hawelky, last post from Roma Robot
Since 2022.0.23 the Colorpicker in Layer Tab is missing when changing a color. For now only RGB Faders are displayed and you&39;re not able to choose from a color list or save custom colors anymore. Hopefully this is about to devoloped in a way the users can choose their preferred way of assigning colors Using MacOS BigSur.

3 Replies and 1019 Views CSV export to Madrix
1019 3 - Started by hugo, last post from hugo
Hello, I&39;m working on a pixelmapping project. Basically, it is a 16 pointed stars (each point is 120 RGBW pixel). Running on madrix. I&39;m facing an issue when I try to import .csv capture2022 exported files into Madrix5. The coordinates of the fixtures are displayed both in meters and millimetters in the csv file instead of in one only unit. When I import my 1920fixtures into madrix, the "meter displayed" coordinates are considered as invalid. Madrix just...

1 Replies and 914 Views Issue with GLP CL1 Fixture
914 1 - Started by Wusa, last post from LukasE
Hey there, Im Using Capture 21 and im trying to visualize a florrpack with 54 GLP CL1 Fixture. I would like them to be just visible as LED Pixels but not throwing Light as much as they do and lithing up the whole stage while not able to see the pixels. I played around with View-, Lamp- and Haze-Settings but cant get to a Result. Is this because of how Capture has made the Fixture or im i missing something Is there a other easy way to get a Circle with 25 LED Pixels which would meet my ...

1 Replies and 253 Views Truss and fixture Location bug ?
253 1 - Started by Guillaume, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
It seems that the automatic Location fill for fixtures don&39;t work when multiple truss are grouped together. Fixtures and truss don&39;t apear in Fixture Location Report neither. Please see video : Is it just me Or is it a bug Capture 2022.0.20 Symphony on Windows 10 64bit.

0 Replies and 1038 Views beta view disappear
1038 0 - Started by Vincenzo De Angelis, last post from 2022-04-28 11:13
Hy, After Bringing the beta view at fullscreen, the i view itself disappered. I can&39;t find it anywhere, not even on the taskbar. any suggestions thanks.

1 Replies and 229 Views Robe T1 shutter order
229 1 - Started by Schaliken, last post from Lars Wernlund
Today I found out that the shutter order of a real T1 does not match with the virtual fixture in Capture 2020. First shutter in real life is on the top. In capture it is on the side. This results in not being capable of programming in capture when I need to use these shutters. Is there a way to fix this

1 Replies and 230 Views Cinema 4D import
230 1 - Started by Pálmi Jónsson, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hello, I&39;m trying to import a .c4d file into Capture. Previously I&39;ve had next to no problems with it, but now I&39;m not getting any materials to show up. Usually the material has been the standard C4D material but now, after importing USDZ files into C4D, it&39;s like Cinema creates a node-based standard material. Am I correct in saying that this is the issue, Capture cannot understand the node-based material
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