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7 Replies and 607 Views TDR Settings?
607 7 - Started by Greg Ellis, last post from Vangelis Manolis
When opening Capture 21 on my Windows 10 machine, I receive the following prompt:  "The TDR settings of your computer&39;s video card have been tampered with.  This could lead to stability issues"  I have a Razer Studio with an NVIDIA Quadro RTX 5000 max-q graphics card.  I don&39;t mess with anything under the hood so wondering if this is truly an issue, or just some weird compatibility bug.   Thanks 

0 Replies and 445 Views color stays on when everything is 0
445 0 - Started by Duane Franken, last post from 2022-01-29 22:28
Hi everyone ! i have a really frustrating thing.. im using MA3 (2 software) on capture by sAcn. I never had any problems, but last week i did an upgrade from Duet to Quartet and now all spots stay on, even when all colors are off. The problem is only with spots, not with washes. i tried empty showfile on capture, empty showfile on MA, different fixtures. For example: i tried VL2600 Profile, when RGB are all 0, with dimmer open, it is still slightly blue. So i tried a Megapointe,...

1 Replies and 980 Views Console Patch Panel
980 1 - Started by Eclipse, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hi all, I keep getting this panel appear when starting up Onyx. It doesn&39;t appear to be an error, and everything seems to work correctly, but it concerns me. What is it, and how can I get rid of it I would post an image, but this forum thing appears useless. Image Regards, Rob  

2 Replies and 983 Views Difference between Plot view and Plot editor
983 2 - Started by Omar86, last post from Omar86
Like the subject when I move the name of a unit in the plot view it appears very different in the plot editor view. To obtain the same position I desire I've to move the unit name in plot view checking the result in the plot editor. Can you please check it

5 Replies and 758 Views DWG Import
758 5 - Started by Mark Hanna, last post from Omar86
Hi,  When I import a 2D DWG file into capture it imports perfectly and behaves as it should. Once I exit Capture and then reopen the file the DWG is no longer there. The inported layers are still in the Layers list but the dwg is not visible. I have no filter active, Any idea what I could be doing wrong Mark 

1 Replies and 974 Views Patching problem
974 1 - Started by nicolas, last post from martinp
Hi, I&39;m currently using  Capture 2021 Quartet on a project, and when it comes to patch my fixtures on universe 1 there&39;s no problem but when I patch on universe 2, or 3,4 as soon as I patch it my fixture disappears like with the option Hidden. When I unpatch it, it&39;s visible again. Is there a problem or a is it an option thanx.

1 Replies and 976 Views Avolites patch to capture wont sync
976 1 - Started by Daanvg98, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Dear Capture, I am using a Avolites Expert pro on v15.0 connected to captuere 2021. When I patch a new fixture it imediately shows up on Capture as it should do. But when I want to change the adress of the fixture in Avolites (in the "patch view" window) it won&39;t change it in Capture and also not the other way around. I have the 2 devices connected in the same nnetwork via artnet. Everything else works great. Is there something I am missing something in Capture or avolites...

4 Replies and 750 Views Feature Request - expand water jet control
750 4 - Started by donkidonki, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
If it is possible to add control of the bloom and spread of the water jet and have control of the particle luminance and colour, then other stage effects could be simulated including spark machines and c02 jets.

4 Replies and 976 Views MX 2 Master Mouse and Zoom
976 4 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Jon
I upgraded to 2019 and now all my functionality of my Logitech MX 2 Master mouse is different. The zoom wheel does not zoom anymore, but will rotate the view vertically. I have looked in my Logitech settings to see if it is the issue and all appears to be the same. Have there been software updates to better utilize 3d mice I am only assuming this would be why the change. If so, How can I reset the settings inside the program so I have zoom functionality from my zoom wheel again Thank...

1 Replies and 1000 Views Can't open project files
1000 1 - Started by nicolas, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hello, when I try to open a recent project (I worked on it this morning), I have this error message: "The file size is incorect. It is either missing data or has trailing data".  Any idea what could it be, the last time I worked on the project I closed it properly. And most importnt is there a way to retrieve the project from any backup files Thanx
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