3 Replies and 411 Views
Moving heads problem and lack of support
411 3 - Started by Andy, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
If I place a moving head fixture in a project facing the &39;correct&39; way it is wrong. To work properly I usually need to turn it side on -90 or 90.
I know no one will probably read this let alone do anything about it as the support for this software is virtually nonexistent, just thought I would put this out there.
1 Replies and 335 Views
Onyx and Capture link
335 1 - Started by Kevin J Kugler, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I have Onyx and Capture on my PC laptop and Capture on my Mac, is it possible to link the two computers together so I could see Live Capture on the Mac linked to Onyx on my PC If so what do I need Pc lap top has a ethernet output but Mac has no ethernet input.Do I need a ethernet to Thunderbolt adapter
0 Replies and 480 Views
Antari z350
480 0 - Started by Ben Robertson, last post from 2021-07-09 16:14
this item is listed under antari / has correct pic etc but in reports shows no pwer usage details as its from library i am unable to add / change fixture info to 700W
Any posibility to update info or educate me how to update in in field i simply cant doubble click in empty fied and update.
All help or advice apreciated
1 Replies and 416 Views
416 1 - Started by Andy, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi all, looking at the Materials & Textures section and seen a few things I would like to use - People/materials etc.. How do I get these into Capture once downloaded where do I put the downloads (Im using a MacBook) thanks.
1 Replies and 388 Views
Capture 2021 Pixelated/Jagged Edges
388 1 - Started by mah457, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I recently upgraded to Capture 2021 and have been experiencing jagged edges on all of the 3D models I import. If I load the same file on the older capture 2020, the edges are clean. I also notice that the edges are clean if I render an image. I&39;ve tried changing the graphics options and making sure both Capture and my video card driver are updated. It seems to be an issue others are facing but I&39;d like to know if there is any plan to fix this or if anyone has found a workaround.
1 Replies and 508 Views
Titan 11.4 et Capture no CITP ?
508 1 - Started by Julienp, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hello, I just bought a new pc with windows 10 home 64bit, and I am having problems with Capture. When I connect my Avolites Tiger touch (Titan 11.4) console with ethernet connection (rj45), Capture finds my artnet universes but does not recognize the console. If I select a fixture in Capture, it does not select in the console, and vice versa. I don&39;t have CITP, however in the Capture options I have put Artnet and CITP on the network (here mask I specify ...
2 Replies and 420 Views
Capture 2021 freezes
420 2 - Started by Supertech lol!, last post from Subbass
Hi I am trialling Student Capture 2021 before purchasing for our school, I am finding that everytime I try to add a material &91;eg denim&93; to an object &91;eg actor pants&93; the program freezes, it seems ok when i add to a simple object like a block...
Any help/suggestions would be welcome
many thanks
2 Replies and 388 Views
Capture File
388 2 - Started by xotchilm, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Is this a Capture file It has the Capture logo with a projection screen image across it...I am unable to open it with Capture. Please help.
View post on imgur.com&60;&115;&99;&114;&105;&112;&116;&32;&97;&115;&121;&110;&99;&32;&115;&114;&99;&61;&38;&113;&117;&111;&116;&59;&47;&47;&115;&46;&105;&109;&103;&117;&114;&46;&99;&111;&109;&47;&109;&105;&110;&47;&101;&109;&98;&101;&100;&46;&106;&115;&38;&113;&117;&111;&116;&59;&32;&99;&1...
3 Replies and 444 Views
444 3 - Started by Alejandro, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi I don t know if this implementation could be possible:
scale, measure and line properties rotation writting the angle
thanks so much