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2 Replies and 428 Views Capture 2021 freezes
428 2 - Started by Supertech lol!, last post from Subbass
Hi I am trialling Student Capture 2021 before purchasing for our school, I am finding that everytime I try to add a material &91;eg denim&93; to an object &91;eg actor pants&93; the program freezes, it seems ok when i add to a simple object like a block... Any help/suggestions would be welcome many thanks Keith

2 Replies and 396 Views Capture File
396 2 - Started by xotchilm, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Is this a Capture file It has the Capture logo with a projection screen image across it...I am unable to open it with Capture. Please help.  View post on;&115;&99;&114;&105;&112;&116;&32;&97;&115;&121;&110;&99;&32;&115;&114;&99;&61;&38;&113;&117;&111;&116;&59;&47;&47;&115;&46;&105;&109;&103;&117;&114;&46;&99;&111;&109;&47;&109;&105;&110;&47;&101;&109;&98;&101;&100;&46;&106;&115;&38;&113;&117;&111;&116;&59;&32;&99;&1...

3 Replies and 451 Views Rotation
451 3 - Started by Alejandro, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi I don t know if this implementation could be possible: scale, measure and line properties rotation writting the angle  thanks so much

1 Replies and 311 Views Fixture Request - Elation Proteus Lucius
311 1 - Started by James Henriksen, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Need to get a profile for the Protues Lucius fixture pretty soon for Capture 2019.  Any help is appreciated.  Thanks!

0 Replies and 538 Views Minor Bugs/Issues I've found
538 0 - Started by JasonBosher, last post from 2021-05-12 16:17
Hi all. I found some minor issues I thought i&39;d share in case anyone else has the same or has any suggestions for them 1. When choosing a color with the RGB Slider, (e.g. for Material Base color or Luminance color), the window that pops up sometime appears off screen. When it does appear it is very hard to move around.  This is only when capture is running on my extended display. When I move it to my normal display the window appears as is.  A side note to this - come the...

3 Replies and 741 Views Go on rotate and colour change
741 3 - Started by Andy, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
My Moving head hobos don&39;t rotate in correctly in capture.. when they show a slow rotation in capture my actual gobs are spinning very fast, when I slow them down to a moderate speed in capture they have stopped. Same with colour changes. My lights are moving moderately but in capture the only show one colour and don&39;t change. When I increase the colour change to very fast (to quick toes the changes, in capture they move through the colours slowly

6 Replies and 825 Views Moving head rotate.
825 6 - Started by Andy, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I have used 4 Equinox Fusion 100 spots. I have them slowly rotating and changing colour however, in Capture (and including the presentation) they are static and just show one colour. If I rotate the lights and colour very quickly then they show on Capture but they rotate very slowly in the program I can&39;t find any settings in the program to be able to adjust this so I get exactly what the lights will do. hope this makes sense and hope someone can help.

2 Replies and 515 Views Capture has stopped working : how do i fix?
515 2 - Started by rungpanan, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
i have homework to do to send my teacher please help the link is error box captured

1 Replies and 377 Views Export of DWG or DXF crash
377 1 - Started by Steve Nield, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Every attempt to export a .DWG or .DXF  just crashes Capture every time.  The file has a fairly heavy 3d model imported originally and works just fine in capture.  Has anyone else experienced this 

1 Replies and 412 Views skechup file
412 1 - Started by Olivlite, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Last version of capture on a Mac M1, impossible to import a skp 2021 or 2018  file. any idea
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