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2 Replies and 571 Views Mirroring
571 2 - Started by ahalpuh, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi Are there some limitations with the new mirror function Trying to mirror some objects without success. If I import an Eurotruss .dwg file and mirror it with &39;Relative to X: 0m&39; and the &39;Duplicate&39; checkbox activated, the newly created object isn&39;t mirrored and moved to the other side of the center line. Instead it is placed on top of the original object without any mirroring or moving. Exactly the same behavior can be seen with an object from the library. For example t...

1 Replies and 446 Views Ma3 - The Viz Key
446 1 - Started by Michael Zagarn, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi All Is there any time line on when the Vizkey will be supported I have some and it would be great to be able to use it on projects. Ma Distributor says its a capture delay. In the launch teaser it was said it was a Ma Delay. But you had received the last bit of info. Just throught I would ask, 2021 has been great and looking forward to more projects to be working on.

1 Replies and 428 Views Capture wont start
428 1 - Started by fabianhand, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I Installed the Student version today. First start was fine, after i´ve installed the Libary update it doesn´t start up proper. I already re-downloaded and re installed it multiple times.   the capture.exe appers in my Task Manager, no windw opens. After i while there is a pop up, telling me capture has crashed. Any suggestions

1 Replies and 596 Views Plot missing parts of rig
596 1 - Started by Thomas, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
In all views my rig is complete.  On the plot page (edit) before export the rig is complete. Once exported and PDF opened, parts of the lighting bars are missing.  Not sure how this is happening. Thanks, T

1 Replies and 351 Views New Frame List
351 1 - Started by P Gower, last post from Subbass
Hi i have custom scrolls for my Wybron scrollers how do i make a new frame list in capture to show te correct colours Pete

1 Replies and 536 Views Working lights quit woking while others still do.
536 1 - Started by photon phil, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I have a model that started out working great ... and then some lights quit working.  It is odd that only some of the lights have quit.  I am running Capture 2021.0.34 Student Edition. Symptoms: Non-functioning lights used to work with no model changes between functionnig and non-functioning. Some lights of the same type work while other lights of the same type do not. The affects of the non-functioning lights can be seen (the model lights up) but the fixtures do not emit ...

14 Replies and 3184 Views ArtNet / sACN doesn't work
3184 14 - Started by Standtom
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
, last post from Andor Kocsis
Hello everybody, first thing: awesome new version - I like it a lot! Unfortunately, ART-Net and sACN doesn&39;t work. In the 2020 version it works - Not in 2021. Do you have an idea Greetings, Tom

2 Replies and 430 Views People
430 2 - Started by Andy, last post from Andy
Hi all, i have Capture 2021 and only have one &39;actor&39; yet when I see examples I see lots of different characters &39;actors&39; including some sat down behind a drum kit and piano etc... where can I get more people for my projects please.

5 Replies and 1259 Views CAN'T CONNECT VIA SACN OR ARNET ON CAPTURE 2020
1259 5 - Started by Kevestrada, last post from Andor Kocsis
Hi There!, im having issues connecting with Capture 2020 via SACN or ARNET... I can connect with no issues to Capture 2019.. but CAP2020 its been impossible.. I have tried almost everything and no luck... Im currently designing on CAP2020 (since my liscense is on 2020) and exporting to CAP2019 so i can connect with my console.  Im using an Obsidian  NX4... I have update the latest software on both ONYX and CAPTURE ONYX Software: 4.4.1192 Capture 2020 Software: 2020.0.37 ...

0 Replies and 605 Views ARRI Compact with MAG VADER
605 0 - Started by PeterLicht, last post from 2021-04-08 09:29
Dear Community, when i combine the HMI with the MAG Vader and i try to fade it it is flickering as "hell". In the menu of the MAG Vader i could choose color mode (1 or 2CH.) or shutter mode (1 or 2 CH.), but not combined (should be 5 CH with regard to LichtTechnik user guide). But, thats the main feature of the MAG-Vader, so am i missing something or is it an library issue The HMI has the features from the elctronic ballast so you can adjust the brightness from 50 to 1...
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