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1 Replies and 434 Views Lighting bars from imported CAD drawings
434 1 - Started by Thomas, last post from martinp
When using lighting bars from the capture library, when you add/drag a fixture to it you see a symbol and it &39;snaps&39;/&39;links&39; to the lx bar. However, upon importing a model into capture that already has the lx bars in it, the fixtures lose this feature. I have to manually enter the height to align the fixtures as close to the bar as I can.  Is there a way for me to add the (snap/attatch/rig) functionality of captures library bars & truss to my imported models bars...

15 Replies and 2153 Views Media Control
2153 15 - Started by Eclipse
(Topic has multiple pages1 2 )
, last post from Eclipse
Hi all, Would it be possible to control media/video start/stop from a DMX command It would aid synchronising shows much easier so videos start on the same cue as the lights Possibly adding a timecode /- offset would also be helpful. Regards, Rob

7 Replies and 3405 Views Reset Live/Perspective camera
3405 7 - Started by nigelj, last post from Subbass
I've got an issue that's driving me mad that's not happened on previous plans!I have the beta view window set for Live Perspective view, but the camera is tilted about 20 so the stage etc. looks like it's got a list like a ship!I can't find how I can rotate the camera in this view to get the view straight again...what obvious thing an I missing

3 Replies and 837 Views Trouble Connecting Controller
837 3 - Started by Defalg, last post from Defalg
Hello All, I am currently deciding if this visualizer will work before i purchase. I own an ETC ColorSource 40 AV, I have downloaded a the latest DEMO version of Capture. I connected an Ethernet cord from my console to my Laptop with the Capture Demo installed. From the Capture Library, I added an HES Studio Spot 575, and addressed it to universe 1, with a DMX address 25 On my Console, I added the Studio spot and addressed it to universe 1, with a DMX address 25 In the Console settings, I ...

1 Replies and 393 Views export for?
393 1 - Started by Modern Lights, last post from sk8
Running 2021 Quartet Windows need to export the project to an older Capture user ( Argo ) manual tells me to look for export for to do this but in the file drop down no Export for to use. What am I missing.

6 Replies and 1587 Views the computer crashes
1587 6 - Started by Samora, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I have a computer with the following characteristics: - Intel (R) Core (TM)  i5 - 7400T CPU 2.4GHz (4CPUs). ~2.4GHz - 8G Ram - Windows 10, 64 Bits (10.0, compilation 19042) - Intel (R) HD Graphics 630 - DirectX 12 Every time I put a Led device in the project, as soon as I turn it on, a conflict warning appears with the graphics card saying that it is necessary to update the drives. this conflict forces me to close Capture. I have already checked and the drivers are...

3 Replies and 1180 Views physical radius of movinglights
1180 3 - Started by Mikkel Bedsted, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi It does not seem that Capture, taking into account the physical radius of movinglights, I can quite easily hang the lamps much closer in the program than I can in reality. Is it real or does it just look like that

1 Replies and 1075 Views Clay Paky REFLECTXION
1075 1 - Started by Marty Huntoon, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi, is there a way to add reflective properties to use the Clay Paky REFLECTXION in Capture

1 Replies and 1075 Views User camera positions
1075 1 - Started by Simon@minack, last post from Simon@minack
Hi, when one of my views is in a user camera position the focus tool doesn’t work. When I change back to one of the preset views it works fine. Any ideas

5 Replies and 691 Views Fixture groups in 2020 Solo
691 5 - Started by Prodco, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Ive created a file for a venue that has around 150 fixtures. Each fixture is unpatched, hence I a just wanting to select each fixture group and control them this way. I can successfully create groups for all fixtures and control them this way but when I restart Capture, all but one group "forgets" the assigned fixtures and defaults to the first fixture in the Fixtures tab. Are there limitations for unpatched fixtures in the 2020 Solo edition Ultimately, I plan to upgrade&...
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