1 Replies and 500 Views
Lighting Bar not reporting location for units
500 1 - Started by David Abra, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I have a TV studio rig with over 200 bars and i use putting units on bars as a way of getting the data for the DMX patch - I can not get the data on the report today (I upgraded from .47 to .51 today)77
I have had this issue before but it seemed to have been sorted - it is again not working.
Help - show tonight and I&39;d rahter not have to count them by hand
David Abra
447788 410965
1 Replies and 516 Views
Astera Visualization issue
516 1 - Started by JBrink, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I&39;m having an issue where Astera tubes and NYX bulbs in Mode 89 (most popular for Film/TV work) don&39;t show color even when the crossfade parameter is at full. They seem to be only showing CCT. Additionally when the CCT is all the way at 0 it should be a very warm 1750K and right now it looks a lot cooler.
1 Replies and 442 Views
Import From Vectorworks: Data Missing
442 1 - Started by mreaney, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Some important fields are not being transferred from Vectorworks to Capture using the recommended "Export lighting device data". Color is one such omission. i.e. L116 in VW&39;s "color" field does not go to Capture. Capture uses "Slot frames" as a field to hold color data. So, I configured a field in VW called "Slot frames" copied the L116 into it, and again, no luck. I also have a field in VW named "Groups" as does Capture.&nb...
3 Replies and 533 Views
Student Version: Dimmer Control In Latest Version
533 3 - Started by mreaney, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I am teaching a lighting class online during the pandemic. So far, Capture has been incredibly useful. However, we have run into a problem with the latest version. In the previous version, instruments could be patched and controlled with the built-in dimmer in groups. Afterward, one could save a cue simply by saving the file with an appropriate name. In the latest version, once an instrument has been patched or imported from Vectorworks with a patch value, it cannot be controlled with ...
1 Replies and 421 Views
Old Capture Files
421 1 - Started by Hugo Trippaers, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
I got an old capture file (timestamp said 2015) with c2p extension. I tried to open it in capture 2019 and capture 2020 but both report &39;Project Open Error&39;. Is that because the file is from an older version or is it a problem with the file.
1 Replies and 424 Views
Camera patch doesn't show current values
424 1 - Started by Ian, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
When we patch fixtures we can see the current values in the universes tab, but this doesn&39;t work with cameras. If I patch a camera, the universe preview window doesn&39;t show the values unless I&39;m sending them externally.
It would be great if I could see the current camera position while I change things with the cursor, so I could send the same values from my external communication device to quickly change the camera coordinates.
1 Replies and 445 Views
Random lights turning on when not prompted
445 1 - Started by Rembrandt, last post from martinp
Hello there,
I have created a show file in ETCnomad v2.9, created an entire setting with lights in vectorworks, exported that to capture. But now I&39;m having an issue where random channels will spontaneously turn on; random lights turn on, random gobos are activated in moving lights random color, and random movement. It seems that the only way it goes away is either through waiting (as if the fixture/address realizes it shouldn&39;t be on) or if I force &39;overload&39; the la...
2 Replies and 675 Views
ndi videofeed is not fade in and out!?
675 2 - Started by deflost, last post from Vangelis Manolis
we try to feed in serveral different ndi feeds from different software, to map as material, and also to view on serveral projectors, in every case and variante we try, there is no way to fade a video from any ndi broadcastsoftware in or out. it appears immedantly on 1 or 2 percent of fade in mediaserver.
and it disapears from 1or2 percent to zero.
in both cases as a switch and not as a fade
is it normal in capture, so we can not simulate a simple videofade by ndi
1 Replies and 572 Views
live media input to capture on ios?
572 1 - Started by deflost, last post from Vangelis Manolis
is it possible to feed in live ndi output from media server to a projector in ios app of capture on
an ipad pro 2020
we only see the projector test pattern!
sacn from lightning desk is no problem.
but no media is shown from media server.