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2 Replies and 755 Views People with Trombone
755 2 - Started by, last post from
Hello How can I adjust the arms so that the musician holds his trombone thank you. and kind regards Reto

1 Replies and 615 Views VenueMagic SC Connection
615 1 - Started by ConnorBYC, last post from Vangelis Manolis
I’m trying to connect my VenueMagic SC project with Capture. Unfortunately I'm having little luck getting any DMX levels into Capture. Here's what I’ve done/tried so far: - In VenueMagic, under ‘Project Options > Visualiser’, selected enable capture visualiser interface. Then selected the active version of capture running on my laptop. - In Capture, created a new project with a single RGB lamp addressed at A.1. I’ve then selected VenueMag...

3 Replies and 772 Views Eos offline connection problems
772 3 - Started by Nigel Edwards, last post from Vangelis Manolis
When connecting my Chamsys desk I have no problems but plenty with ETC offline software. On one of my desktops I can run both softwares together happily, two desktops connected over network it works but Capture fails to recognise its an ETC desk so no two way connection and on my laptop, sometimes they talk to each other sometimes they dont. All computers are Windows 10 I Suspect its windows to blame for all usually is

2 Replies and 755 Views insert video projectors
755 2 - Started by rainer ludwig, last post from rainer ludwig
Hi , just tried to insert a Panasonic video projector in the latest release of the 2019 version, and it's not possible to drag and drop any of those projectors. Opened the project in 2018, there it was possible to insert a projector. Opened it again in 2019 and there it is. But still no new one can be imported..... Best Rainer

4 Replies and 912 Views Fixture channel patch.
912 4 - Started by lightman, last post from 119151
Is it possible to add channels to a exisiting fixture

1 Replies and 790 Views Argo - Top and Front views Not displaying
790 1 - Started by Ian Anderson-Priddy, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Using Argo after 2 years and Front and Top views won't display anything. But section works fine. You can see the camera in the section for the top view but the Top View / Beta shows nothting. Mac OS X High Seirra 10.3.15 and just upgraded to latest Argo 21.3.33. Any Ideas

1 Replies and 787 Views OBJ files import
787 1 - Started by devnull00, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hi all, I've a problem importing .obj files from a photogrammetry software in Capture 2018. I receive the following error during the import process: 'Broken material library 'mtllib' statement on line 2', and object is imported but without material and texture. So I decide to go in deep and open the relative obj file: in line two I find the correct link to the *.mtl file. Opening then with a text editor the *.mtl file i find the link to the .jpg material texture. Other software as Blender or 3...

1 Replies and 860 Views Recording of Video Snapshot and DMX control of Scenes not functioning
860 1 - Started by LightsNet, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Capture 2018 and ETC EOS 2.7.4 I am using the capture camera in extended DMX mode to control scenes. The patch is correct and visualization behaves as designed when controlled via DMX. When recording video snapshot, DMX control scenes are NOT recorded, and active scene only is recorded. Capture 2018 and ETC EOS 2.7.4 I am using the capture camera in extended DMX mode to control scenes. The patch is correct and behaves as designed running the show file manually. When recording video...

3 Replies and 1040 Views Slow, laggy, and crash
1040 3 - Started by CMB82, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Is anyone else having huge issues with speed with the past 2 updates It seems to have gotten slower over the past couple of months. It is odd as I have a 3 month old MacBook Pro i9,16gb ram 2.6ghz processor with desiccated Radeon Pro 560X 4096 MB. When I connected my Ion via ArtNet, if I got through to many cues it crashes, if I move fixtures around it lags and crashes, and all I have is a basic imported model, and a rig made in capture. It is not a huge rig either, so huge gig rendering based...

2 Replies and 999 Views unable to start due to limitation in your video card and/or its drivers
999 2 - Started by Janis, last post from Vasilis Ziogas
Hello! I can not start software, when I run Capture 2018 Student, I get following message unable to start due to limitation in your video card and/or its drivers my pc: DELL E6520 CPU: I5 (2520M) 2,5GHz RAM 8GB Video Intel HD Graphics 3000 SSD: 128GB HDD 1TB Windows 10 (64bit) Thank You
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