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0 Replies and 131 Views Led strip spill lighting
131 0 - Started by GEORGE, last post from 2024-07-10 09:54
Hello guys ,i wanted to ask if we can control material by making it spill lighting what im trying to achieve is to simulate led strip 5m dynamic the way im doing it now is to just import from sketchup and use ndi from resolume to do the material but unfortunately it doesn't spill lighting it means if its hidden there no light spilling there unless its visible you can just see the effect is there a trick to do that that i don't know about

0 Replies and 122 Views Air 6Pix Prolights Pixel Patterns missing in live render
122 0 - Started by Alfredo Corni, last post from 2024-07-07 17:35
Hi good morning, using Prolights Air 6Pix 25 ch standard mode and trying to render the pixel patterns included in color Mix they are missing. On MA3 there is, inside color wheel, ColorMix3 to choose the pixel patterns  ColorMix4 to choose the speed then other 4 wheels choose the background and foreground color of the two pixels modules. All those features in render live mode seems missing. Hope this hint will be helpful for next releases.

0 Replies and 138 Views Rotate multiple cables
138 0 - Started by Floriaan, last post from 2024-07-01 22:06
I have a lot of cables with a male end (marked m) and a female end (marked f), I want to rotate half of them. Unfortunately, this does not work by grabbing the transparent end of the rotation arrow as I would expect. Am I doing anything wrong or is this a bug in the software Find a link to a screen recording here: 

0 Replies and 124 Views Media file
124 0 - Started by Pace, last post from 2024-06-30 01:09
Hi all !!! I&39;m pretty much a newbie regarding CAPTURE. I&39;m working on a MacBook Pro using 14.1.2.  When I try to add a media file, I end up with a grey window  and I can do nothing from there. See video: Any idea Thanks ! Pascal

3 Replies and 166 Views Transform should be renamed
166 3 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Floriaan
I think "Transform" should be renamed to "Move" or "Translate". It does a translation and not a transformation after all. It seems like a &39;translation&39;-mistake ;-) and it is very confusing for new users. If you want to keep the shortcut logical you could consider choosing the term translation, which is correct, but a bit mathematical.  

3 Replies and 282 Views Clay Paky K25
282 3 - Started by Sadovnikov Nikita, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi there!  I had a problem with K25 fixtures. When i patch it this fixures are stop working Has anybody encountered this problem How can i fix it  Thank you

1 Replies and 106 Views help import PDF crass
106 1 - Started by alim jeni, last post from Lars Wernlund
hi there i am using capture 2024, i am still new to if, i like to ask how to import PDf file , i already import model, and select the pdf file.... but the capture crash and close, do i did something wrong pllzzzz help

7 Replies and 247 Views Blue saturation
247 7 - Started by S Vlln, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi, Is there a way to get blue satured lenses (Titan Tubes, Color Strike, Pixyline, etc...) I tried ton tweak view tab but no success RGB Saturation Capture Red and green color are working perfectly but blue is always unsatured. Which is not very efficient for a client presentation. Thanks

1 Replies and 188 Views Cursor disappeares after making adjustments in live view
188 1 - Started by LuukLuukLuuk, last post from Lars Wernlund
BUG REPORT: When in live view and making adjustments my cursor disappeares after a while. This bug is new and I have it since update 0.35.  I cannot get a bug report or crash log because my program doesn&39;t crash. I just have to restart the program and try again.  But frustrating when making renders and having just made a nice composition for the render.  Hope you can do something with this info, you can reach me if needed.  Thanks, Luuk

4 Replies and 140 Views Point snapper grouped to a pipe does not work
140 4 - Started by Floriaan, last post from Lars Wernlund
I a sure I have posted this before, but I cannot find it anymore (and for sure it was never answered). So excuse me for double posting the following issue: If I group point snapper to a pipe, objects will snap to the built-in line snapper of the pipe, but not to the poj t snappers. I am trying to create a pipe in my template capture file, that contains snapped hanging positions every 25 cm. This makes it easy to hang on the pipe marks in real theatres.
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