2 Replies and 854 Views
VW Import Scale Issues
854 2 - Started by Mike Wood, last post from Mike Wood
Trying to export a Vectorworks (19) model into Capture (Nexum).
All of my instrument data comes in just fine, but the model of the theatre is at a smaller scale and I can't figure out what I'm missing.
All my design layers in this VW file are 1:1. I know it's a problem with the model and not with the imported instruments because when I clone something in the imported model by say, 2', it moves way further than '2 feet' would be.
What am I missing I've done this before with no issues.
1 Replies and 782 Views
Circuit Label for Omnidirectional Bulb
782 1 - Started by Keith, last post from Lars Wernlund
In the Fixture Window.
If you have Omnidirectional Bulb as a fixture. You Can't add a Circuit number. No cursor appears when you double click.
Is this intended
In Theatre these are often Practicals. And the circuit number is not the same as the Channel number.
Thank you
3 Replies and 974 Views
Filters List / Capture 2018
974 3 - Started by Harry, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi everyone,
I have a question, I don't understand how to create a Filter List in the drawing menu.
All buttons stay in gray and inactif.
Thanks, best regards
1 Replies and 807 Views
Rendering on Mac Mini
807 1 - Started by vector, last post from Lars Wernlund
I am have problems with the live view on a mac Mini Moving wash and static colour changing fixtures render OK but Moving head profile fixtures do not seem to render properly although they do on my MacBook. seem to have big white lines. I have tried changing the resolution of the monitor but nothing seems to improve the live view.
Any suggestions on changes would be appreciated.
Mac mini running High Sierra
2 Replies and 913 Views
Capture Running Slow on macOS Mojave
913 2 - Started by mattoliver27, last post from Keith
Ever since updating to macOS Mojave, Capture has been running WAY slower than it did on High Sierra. It might be something about OpenGL, but even on the new rendering engine, it's crazy slow. (I'm using the student edition). It's driving me crazy because everything else on my Mac is slow as well while rendering live in Capture. Can something be done to fix this pronto And just for the record, I still prefer the OpenGL legacy rendering engine.
Thanks, Matthew.
1 Replies and 772 Views
hang fixtures on dwg export files
772 1 - Started by KOWALSKI, last post from Lars Wernlund
Rookie with capture, i'm trying to hang fixtures on a dwg file which represent my roof scene (making by my rigging department). When I'm trying to hang a PC (like RJ 310HPC), the PC make a 'hole' in my rigg, remplacing the truss by himself -
Question : How use the dwg file to hang fixtures
Thks for answser
Regards - Olivier
0 Replies and 1173 Views
Mac Pro 3.5GHz 6-Core, 16GB RAM, AMD Fire Pro D500 Capture 2018 - SLOW!
1173 0 - Started by Ivo Vieira, last post from 2018-10-09 05:14
Hey guys!I&180;m working with a Mac Pro (late 2013), 3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel, 16GB Ram, AMD Firepro D500 (3 screens via thunderbolt) Capture 2018 (Quartet Edition) MagicQ (Chamsys) and sometimes also with Ableton Live for Timecode...The software is getting slower and slower... Don&180;t know what else I can do.Anyone working with Capture on a Mac that everything is running super fast I would love to see the tech specs of your computer...Cheers!
2 Replies and 817 Views
Focusing Multiple ETC S4 simultaneously
817 2 - Started by Viktoras Zemeckas, last post from Viktoras Zemeckas
as i understand corect in Capture you can focus (Shutter Frames) only 1 Profile Fixutre at the time and only with the mouse. There is no 'Framing shutter' data information.
Thats annoing if you have to focus 80 Profiles with the same Focus Information. It would be a help If once you chose a Fixture your arrow Keys of keyboard are mapped to Shutter Frames and by holding 'shift' you can rotate it.
Selectetd multiple Fixtures dont let you edit Shutter frame information. If it would be Shutter Fra...
0 Replies and 1187 Views
ndi Mapping
1187 0 - Started by Mika_Aus, last post from 2018-10-01 15:17
Been playing with arkaos 5.3.1. Capture 2018 24.1.10 windows 10. same computer currently.
Works great. but. I could only map 2 layers at a time. I found if I save then open the file again.then I could map another 2.
I have 6 columns and a projector. So it was a slow process. Arkaos was showing all layers into capture. Jjust could only map bit by bit.