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1 Replies and 969 Views CITP upside down
969 1 - Started by Jon, last post from Lars Wernlund
I’m using Arkaos Media Master Pro 5. The CITP stream into Capture comes in upside down. Any setting I’m missing here I thought it may have been the projector upside down but if I look at the media tab the small preview is upside down. Using Capture 2018 Symphony 24.1.4

1 Replies and 1043 Views ETC EOSnomad
1043 1 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Lars Wernlund
I would be interested in hearing from anyone using Capture as a visualizer for ETC's EOSnamad software. I have use Capture very well with QLC but can't connect my EOS software. Their forum suggesting an ArtNet Unicast v Broadcast compatibility issue but I thought these sorted themselves out Sooo!

3 Replies and 1117 Views Exposure adjustment
1117 3 - Started by John, last post from Lars Wernlund
Have a visualization that no matter how many times I set exposure for Beta View to 0EV when I close a re-open the file it defaults to -2.69EV. Thinking I've set something somewhere that's causing this, but not sure where to look. Appreciate any assistance.

1 Replies and 904 Views Broken View after adjusting triangle form side length
904 1 - Started by Christianjackson, last post from bernat
I accidentally broke my Beta view. I went to type in dimensions of a triangle, and I believe since I typed in an 'impossible' side length and then tried to CtrlF the beta view when the triangle disappeared. Now I cannot see anything in beta view, no matter what view settings I change or zooming etc. Is there a way to reset the beta view Or fix this

1 Replies and 878 Views Fixture disappear when patched on certains universes
878 1 - Started by mimi012, last post from mimi012
Hello, I cannot patch fixture on certain universes, when I patch it, it disappear: I try with different fixtures and new universes. Any Idea

1 Replies and 939 Views Des id&233;es?
939 1 - Started by Cyrille Chabert, last post from Cyrille Chabert
Bonjour, Apres instalation de Capture Student, les ecrans restent vides. MAj Windows OK Directx 12 OK Réinitialiser carte graphique OK Des idees Merci d'avance

1 Replies and 908 Views Sixture Libary request - Chroma Q 250 web
908 1 - Started by Mika_Aus, last post from Jon
Library change. Chroma Q 250 Web Is there any way to make the web look like the web. be able to see through the holes in the unit mate it look like the grid Cheers Michael.

3 Replies and 1310 Views Freeze Upon Live View
1310 3 - Started by Cole Pierce, last post from Cole Pierce
Hello, I have a certain file that freezes up the program whenever I try to switch a view to 'live'. It causes me to force quit the program. I'm running on Mac 10.13.6 with a MacBook Pro. Does anyone else have an issue like this on larger show files Thanks!

1 Replies and 1049 Views Problem connettivity Capture GrandMa thru Parallel
1049 1 - Started by Claudio, last post from Lars Wernlund
Good Morning , i have one trouble with the connection of the grand ma 2 on pc on parallel and capture 2018. Grand Ma2 recognise me the visualiser by citp but when i move the fader on the ma nothing happen. Can you help me thanks

1 Replies and 1036 Views Some problem with 2018
1036 1 - Started by Pascalv, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi, each time i launch capture, old library is uninstall and then reinstall it. Is it normal In the report, the filter doesn't work, and if i want a material listing with a filter, the list is empty. It work only with no filter.
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