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1 Replies and 1025 Views Fixture Import from CSV
1025 1 - Started by BradleyKingLD, last post from Lars Wernlund
Good afternoon, I'm new to capture and am attempting to import a very simple plot (5 fixtures) via Fixture Import. I'm encountering a problem where only the X-value of the fixtures are importing. The Y and Z values are zeroing out. Is there something simple I'm missing Capture appears to be mapping the columns correctly, just not importing the data.

1 Replies and 841 Views Beam not visible
841 1 - Started by Hugi, last post from Alexander Joseph
Hello I have a Show coming up, where I have som Martin MAC Aura. When I turn on the lamps, i can see in the lense, that the light is on, but i dont see any cone of light. I see it on other fixtures in the same project. So I suppose either the fixture has an error or there is a setting. Does anybody know, if you can enable/disable this by setting

1 Replies and 1023 Views Making a visualiser view fullscreen without window frame
1023 1 - Started by Deleted User, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Hi Capture Team, I would like to bring the liveview to a second monitor in fullscreen. but without the windowframe. Is that possible and if not can you please put it as an option in the next upgrade! Thanks! Best Stefan

1 Replies and 1059 Views GPU Selection
1059 1 - Started by Charlie Scherling, last post from Vangelis Manolis
I'm building a new desktop for a Client and he's running Capture. Is a Nvidia 1080 enough and/or can Capture make use of multiple 1080's Thank you! Charlie

3 Replies and 1393 Views Capture lagging
1393 3 - Started by J250, last post from Vangelis Manolis
When I import a object from sketchup it makes my project start lagging badly, especially on Ballyhoos. It only seems to do it after I import objects. Is there a way to reduce the lagging

1 Replies and 1009 Views Fixture home orientation
1009 1 - Started by donkidonki, last post from Vangelis Manolis
Is there a way to change the home orientation of a fixture For example, I am using some Chauvet Rogue Hybrid 1 units which home side-on to the cable rather than inline like the capture model. If I rotate the fixture for real it points in a different direction to real or if I turn it in just the plot view the power cable symbol does not rotate, risking units getting rigged wrongly. How do I fix this

1 Replies and 981 Views Which Capture version do I need?
981 1 - Started by Deleted User, last post from luc-avl
I'm trying to decide between Quarter and Symphony. My lighting rig will be 4 universes, with Resolume as a 5th universe. However, I'll be sending the Resolume information via NDI to Capture. My question is: Will I be over the 4 universe limit, even if I'm sending Resolume via NDI Do I need Symphony

2 Replies and 1027 Views Stage Deck fix ETA for 2018?
1027 2 - Started by donkidonki, last post from donkidonki
Is there any likely-hood of the stage deck bug being fixed in Direct-X mode anytime soon Direct-X rendering is mostly working quite well now but I can't use it in some instances as I need the staging to look right. I'm sure this is already on the To-Do list but if there is any chance of it being pushed higher up the list that would be wonderful.

2 Replies and 1114 Views Turn On Annotation
1114 2 - Started by Bernard B. McGowen, last post from Lars Wernlund
I imported the plot via .dxf file and the data via Lightwright 4 from Softplot 10. I have been manually entering the fixture unit into the Selected Items Properties tab. In the top view in plot I see the unit, channel, and dimmer in very small type. It appears that these were imported as part of the dxf file since they are not enclosed in the annotation graphic shapes (the oval, rectangle, and circle). This leads me to conclude that the annotation function has been turned off. I have c...

2 Replies and 1062 Views Truss colors not working?
1062 2 - Started by JK2010, last post from Lars Wernlund
Hi Everybody, is it correct, that I cannot color the trusses anymore in Capture 2018 The color field is there but the dialog for changing the color doesn't open. Works in Capture Nexum. Both tested on MAC with up to date Symphony Editions Regards Jan
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